Love You

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When Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy finally made the decision of coming out to their peers they didn't think it was going to happen the way it did and also didn't quite expect the reactions of the people most important to them.

It had been a few months that they had started dating, and Harry was as good for Draco as Draco was for Harry. They learned a lot about each other's lives that they had been mistaken to assume.

Draco want just a spoiled brat that followed his fathers every word or the evil little scum everyone seemed to think, he cared; he cared so much about everyone and what they thought of him, but he couldn't really show it because of his father. He was smart, not as smart as Hermione but it came naturally to him instead as for Hermione where it came from books, he was so passionate and loving but no one ever cared to know him. Not even those who called themselves his friends. He didn't have a perfect life at home either, his mother rarely showed any love even when he was a child, he always felt unwanted, and his father always hit him when he thought Draco had done something wrong, that always made him feel like a disappointment. Draco used to think it was normal, that it was discipline, but when his father beat him because of reading a muggle book he realized that it was probably not as right as he had thought. Of course no one never noticed the bruises and scars around his body, not that he made an effort to show them, though he never really made an effort to hide them either.

Harry wasn't as much of an open book as his peers seemed to think. No one really knew to what extent the abuse at home went, not even Snape and that's that the dungeon bat had intruded his mind in fifth year. When he said he wasn't hungry it was because he was so used to not eating during summers and the mental damage from even before coming to Hogwarts weren't healed, he still thought that he couldn't eat as much because he was a freak that didn't deserve it. Of course everyone knew that he was brave and that he was caring seeing as he cared very much about his friends and the family he had made for himself, but no one knew that most of the time he was in pain, not just physical as most of the time the beatings were so bad that it took months to heal and his uncle liked to give him a goodbye beating, which always felt worse than the normal beatings (a sad shame that he thought of any kind of beating as normal) every time a new school year was going to start, which meant he would be silently cringing in pain for the first few months of school. All those smiles he gave weren't always sincere.

The day that they finally decided to sit and take a breath was the day they realized that the other wasn't as bad as they had thought, Harry realized that Draco was only mean because he had felt hurt he had rejected his hand in friendship; and Draco realized that Harry had rejected it because he hadn't been the most pleasant of people, he had insulted the first person to ever help Harry escape the horrors that happened behind closed doors at number four Privet Drive. Harry had admitted that had Draco not insulted Hagrid that first day they met at Madam Malkins that he would have probably accepted his friendship, of course after putting him in his place about "the wrong sort" comment towards Ron, his very first friend his same age.

After that day they met regularly. As often as possible. Anyway and anywhere they could.

They would sneak into the kitchens and talk over muffins and tea, coffee for Harry seeing as he thought of tea as leaf piss, Draco had snorted and then realized that in some bizarre and weird way it kinda was. They laughed and they loved being in each other's presence. Harry had been the one to admit his more than friendly feelings but it didn't take much to convince Draco to give it a try, actually it didn't take anything at all; as soon as Harry had finished his sentence he had thrown his arms around the Gryffindor and stared balling his eyes out. Harry of course started panicking and trying to shush Draco telling him he didn't have to do or say anything, they didn't have to act upon it, Harry can seriously be the most oblivious person ever, it couldn't have slapped him harder even if it tried. Well Draco proved that wrong when he scoffed between cries and a mumble of "seriously Potter can your head be any more hollow" before he pulled back and kissed Harry with as much passion as his body carried. Harry had melted instantly into the kiss.

And as they say, the rest was history.

The day they told their friends was the day they started only trusting each other. Their friends had called them fags and stormed off, Hermione and Ron were the most hurtful because they told Harry he was crazy to think they would ever support him being in a relationship with a death eater let alone a male death eater. They still hadn't come around and would still glare at Harry and Draco, they stopped going to the dining hall. Draco's friends had reacted the same way, except for Blaise, he had come around quite quickly, he had apologized for reacting the way he did and had taken to sitting with them outside to eat lunch and in the kitchen to eat dinner.

It's been a few months of that and now they were 2 weeks from graduating, Harry and Draco shared a room since they came out, seeing as he was Mcganagall's favorite.

Draco still had nightmares about the war and all the suffering he had caused so many people. Sometimes he would wake up screaming and others he would silently cry himself awake. That's what happened this night.

He was dreaming about Fred Weasley's death as his family surrounded him, he still didn't like the Weasleys even more so since Ron wasn't Harry's friend anymore but he still thought of Fred and George as amazing lads. They were funny and could pull the meanest of mean pranks. They were also very ambitious and he had questioned the hat for years before, because he thought they would've been a perfect match for Slytherin. Now though on that night he truly saw why they were Gryffindors, both were the bravest of them all, one brave enough to fight in a battle and die saving hundreds of students, the other brave enough to live without his other half.

He woke up from the horrible memory and to the horrible feeling he got whenever he remembered one of his classmates lying on the floor to never awake. He silently cried for a few more minutes before he felt arms wrap around his waist and pull his closer.

"...Are you alright? Thought I heard you... crying?" Harry's sleepy heavy voice sounded from behind him.

"I'm not crying you idiot. Go back to sleep Potter" he didn't want Harry to see him so weak.

"Mmmm... okay. I love you" Harry never paid much attention to Draco's insults anymore, they didn't have the same fire and hate as when they were younger.

He could feel Harry's breathing slow.

"Oh and Potter?" He mumbled. Harry just hummed just barley awake. "I love you too" he felt himself being squeezed more into the warm chest behind him and the steady thrumming of Harry's heart.

That's how Draco went back to sleep, a little more content than when he first woke up.


Alright guys that's a wrap.

I know it's been a few days since the first one but like i said this is only going to be updated when i feel inspired or feel like writing so there's going to be days were it takes hours for one to come out and then the next, or there's going to be months in between them.

Hope you like this one and hope y'all have a great day.


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