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You know when you have admired someone so much that nothing they do could be wrong?

No matter how much they hurt you?

No matter how many times they try to push you down, or away?

No matter how many scars you bare on your body because of them?

And no matter the scars you bare on your mind, which in my opinion is much worse than those littering your body?


Well that's what Kacchan was for me.

He was so amazing. So cool. Such a Hero. My Hero. 

He got his quirk the day after his 4th birthday, and I remember how excited he was to show me and everyone in our class, he had smiled at me so brightly from the gates of our daycare as I clutched my moms hand while crossing the street, I couldn't stop myself from jumping up and down seeing him smiling so wide at me that I had shrugged out of her hand as soon as we got to the other side of the road and ran as fast as my little legs could take me. 

It's amazing what your mind remembers when you're such a young age. 

He had wrapped his arms around me the moment I was close enough and started rambling about the big news he had to share with the class, he said he had wanted to show me first but that auntie Mitsuki had forbidden it. I now knew it was because he hadn't gained complete control over his quirk yet and she didn't feel safe with him showing me without adult supervision. 

We had walked hand in hand into the school after my mom gave us both head kisses when she reached us, and as soon as everyone had shown up for daycare he loudly stated he had an announcement, and after getting the okay from the smiling teacher he held his hands out and tiny little pops started coming out of his hands as he proudly looked around before his eyes fell on me. 

All I could think about was how amazing Kacchan was and how he was going to be the best hero out there when he got older. I wasn't the only one to think this, in fact everyone instantly started yelling at him and praising about how cool he was, I just smiled at him with tears filling my eyes.

"Why are you crying now, Izu?" he frowned as he walked to me, ignoring everyone that tried to surround him. 

"I'm just so happy for you Kacchan, you're so cool and amazing, but you already were even without a quirk, and now that you do have one you're even closer to becoming a hero like All Might!!" I exclaimed as I gave him a tight hug. 

"That's no reason to cry" he had just laughed and hugged me back while rubbing my back trying to get me to calm down. 

That was the last time he had hugged me. Not that I knew it was going to be the last. 

I turned 4 a few months later and I waited for me to get my quirk, I thought I would get it a day after like Kacchan had, I didn't. I waited and waited and waited, but it never came. By the time we were five Kacchan started getting weird, didn't hurt me or anything but he wouldn't wait for me outside the gate anymore, and didn't sit with me during lunch. Then my mom got worried about me not showing signs in the slightest about having a quirk, so she took me to the doctor, and well the rest is history. 

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