Your Kid

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"Ugh daddyyyyyyyy"

That is what Draco is woken up to, the screams of his child while he feels banging on his back.

"Your kid is up" he murmurs to his husband who he know was awoken by the screams as well.

"Shes your kid before sunrise" he hears back and suddenly hes sucked into a memory. He remembers himself going at it trying to wake up his own dad.

When times were easy and simple, where his parents were happy that Voldemort was dead or so they thought. And he remembers waking his dad up the same way, and his parents having the same conversation he just had with his husband. Man am i lucky. He thinks to himself, because his life has gone into full circle.

He's laying in bed with the man he's loved for over 18 years with their 5 year old daughter begging him to get up because shes 'starvingggggggg' and he cant believe that that was him and his parents before everything started going to shit.

That morning was the last happy memory he has of his parents, after that everything got cold in their house. He remembers his dad getting up after grumbling about being to early and grabbing him up and sending him flying in the air making him laugh hysterically. He was taken down to the kitchen where his dad asked the house elf to prepare breakfast, and as soon as they sat to wait for their food his mother joined them. They sat, ate, conversed, and laughed. All before a strange tall man came into the room and asked to speak to his father.

When he came back he was pale, and not the normal pale he had inherited from his mother and had given his son, but a sickly pale. He looked scared and he had cold harsh eyes. He looked at his wife and had just nodded his head once. After that his father had started to teach Draco the life of a pureblood, something that had never been mentioned before, Draco didnt understand why his mommy and daddy never wanted to play again or why they locked their bedroom door after that morning but he soon forgot the memory and became the son his father wanted him to become. He was cold, and he was a pureblood so naturally he was better that everyone else.

Thats what he thought before he met his boyfriend now husband. With him he learned that everything that was taught to him was probably just out of the fear my father had towards Voldemort, seeing as he was a follower of him and after he had disappeared his dad had told the authorities that he and his wife were cursed to follow his deeds. That's what the news were that morning, Voldemort wasn't dead as it was believed he just didn't have a body but he was out there, and he had heard of his fathers cowardice.

Draco had chosen a different path when he learned that his father wanted him to take the mark as soon as Voldemort came back as a sign of loyalty, a path that had his father disowning him, but to his luck he was accepted with opens arm into his boyfriend's house where he learned everything he knew and believed now. He was happy he had chosen this path, he fought bravely at the war besides his husband and thank Merlin he had seeing as he was there to deflect the unforgivable that was thrown at his husbands chest while he was helping some students escape.

"PAPA!!" He was snapped out of his thoughts of the past by his daughter jumping on his stomach taking the breath out of him.

"Uhhf princess you don't want to kill papa now do you?" The weight on Draco's stomach is relived by his husband wrapping his arms around his daughter, pulling her to his chest while he blinks at Draco lovingly. "But yes papa get up and feed us"

Draco recovers and smiles at his husband.

"What would mama Molly thinks of you if she found out that you make our daughter, her only grandchild, eat my food Fred Weasley"

Fred freezes, everyone knows Draco's forte isn't cooking, that's Fred's thing seeing as he lived with Molly who is a great cook and made her children learn from a young age how to too. Everyone also knows that Molly wouldn't accept the news of her only grandchild eating the rice pudding that was the only thing Draco knew how to make. 

"Fine but you have to take care of this little monster while i cook then" he blows a raspberry onto the little girls tummy making her squeal and make grabby hands for her papa.

"Daddy stoooppppp, papa help" she laughs harder as her papa hums and makes a face like hes thinking before finally he helps her get away from her fathers grip.

"Ill take care of you princess dont worry" he pulls her into his chest and snuggles her, he feels Fred stand from the bed and kiss his head before heading to the kitchen.

A few minutes pass and he thinks both him and his little one snooze off before he hears Fred come back into the bedroom.

"Hmmmmmm i thought that the little monster was too hungry to sleep any longer" he says as he begins tickling the small girl waking her from her light sleep by giggling like crazy.

He picks her up when she calms down and takes her to the door before he turns to look at his husband.

"You coming or not Dragon?" He holds his hand up for Draco. He rushes to get up and take his hand.

Yeah im lucky. He thinks again as he sits down at the table where there's waffles, bacon, eggs, orange juice and coffee. So so very lucky. He repeats when he sees his husband feed his daughter some eggs.

He's happy and he knows no one is walking into the room to deliver bad news, not now not tomorrow not ever.

He's happy he met Fred Weasley all those years ago.


Here's another one.

Hope you like.

Im kinda liking the Fraco or would it be Dred lol but im liking this ship, are yall?

Let me know in the comments.



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