Freezing, Cold, Warm, Hot, Hotter.

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"Harry! Harry wake up"

"Harry! bloody hell wake up mate"

That's what Harry wakes up to, screams of his two best friends. Harry knew what today was, it was his 18th birthday which meant that today was the day he was meant to find his soulmate. He had been waiting for this moment for his entire life.

Harry didn't have the easiest life ever, living with his horrid aunt and uncle till he was 11 and then every summer till he turned 16 and was finally allowed to move in with his godfathers, having to endure his terrible cousin and his bullish ways, and then having the pressure of the world over his shoulders quite literally. He had defeated Voldemort just a mere year ago and the ghost of his past still haunted him and he didn't know how to feel about the fact that he was supposed to find his soulmate now, he didn't know if he was mentally ready to explain to him or her all of the scars he had, physical and metal.

He opened his eyes as he felt Hermione's small hand shaking his body, unlike her and his best mate Ronald he was freezing, and as he came back from dreamland he only seemed to be getting colder. Hermione and Ron had woken up on their 18th birthdays sweating and complaining about how hot it had been, only to realize that they were each other's soulmates, he had hoped that he would've felt at least warm and had to only walk a few doors down to Ginny's room, that was the only reason he had come to stay with the Weasleys for this half of summer.

"Harry? How do you feel?" Ron had as well expected Harry to wake and complain about being hot but instead was greeted by him curling up in a ball pulling the covers tighter to his body.

"I'm goddamn freezing that's how I'm doing" He snapped, he didn't mean to but he really really didn't like the cold and again, he was freezing.

"Oh I'm sorry, sweetheart but either way you have to get up now, we have to be at the train station by noon and you still haven't packed" Hermione whispered and pulled at the blanket, as Harry shot her a death glare she held up a warm cozy jacket for him to see that she had come prepared. He smiled gratefully at her and finally got out of bed. It was a few hours later and he was all done packing with the cold not letting up not one bit. He shrunk his trunk and put it in his pocket and went downstairs to say goodbye to the Weasleys as he had to head to Hogwarts soon, he couldn't be late to the first day of his last year at the magical school. Soon enough Hermione, Ronald and he were heading towards the Hogwarts Express and were well on their way, and still, Harry clutched to his thick jacket.

He has getting worried, what if he had to endure with being cold all the time for a long time before he met his soulmate? Harry hated the cold, had he mentioned that?


Summer was over.


Draco could not be more relieved.

He had been on house arrest since the war ended and he felt like he was going crazy in the manor. He had turned 18 a month ago and he was quite tired of the recurring freezing cold he felt. Him being on house arrest meant not being able to go out to find his soulmate, which meant he had to hope they would find him or wait until he was allowed to go to his last year of schooling, and that was only if he or she went to Hogwarts, and if not then he would have to wait the whole school year to be able to look for them.

He said goodbye to his mother, kissing her and reminding the elves to feed her and give her her medications. He worried about leaving her but he had no choice and he reminded himself that the elves were loyal to his family even after how badly his father had treated them, and they would take care of his mother.

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