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The male captain spent the whole night thinking up a pros and cons list of attending an unofficial practice match with the girls team. If he was honest, he wanted to see if they were all talk and no action, and find out for himself if what the short female captain had said was true or not. But he'd never admit that out loud, for all anyone cared he simply wanted to kick the girls butts and prove the boys were 'superior'.

Eventually deciding to go ahead with the match, he pulled up his phone and text the rest of his team to tell them tomorrow's plans.

Kuroo Tetsuro- 16:28pm
We're going to be playing the girls tomorrow, make sure we don't loose

Kenma Kozume- 16:30pm

Taketora Yamamoto- 16:30

Morisuke Yaku- 16:30
Ew shut up you pervert

Kuroo Tetsuro- 16:31

And so it was settled, the boys would play the girls at lunch time, 12:35 to be exact, that gave them 35 minutes to win.

Or at least thats what they thought. The girls however, weren't the 'weak and damsal in distress' type, they were capable, strong and independent young women.

The boys had lost the match as soon as they doubted the girls abilities to play.

"Chance ball" the setter shouted, shoes squeaking as they dashed around the court. The girls had decided to split into two teams as a warm up for the boys match in a few minutes.

None of them usually got nervous about matches, except for the days when their libero was late. Today being one of those glorious days.

"Crap crap crap crap" she chanted out loud as she dashed down the road to the school. Shirt untucked, bow not done up and a 'supposed to be in her bag' water bottle that she had very conveniently left on the counter in her house.

Meanwhile the girls in the gym were taking it in turns to practice their spikes, checking the clock every few minutes to see how late their libero was. Then it happened, the footsteps of shoes into the gymnasium had the girls stop what theyre doing and turn their heads, ready to tell off their star player for her lateness, but instead they locked eyes with the 6'2 captain and his teammates, all carrying annoying smirks, well all except for one boy, who seemed more interested in playing super smash bros on his switch.

"Lets get started shall we?" The bedheaded boy immedietly said, passing numbered bibs around his team, the girls already wearing theirs.

"Our libero isn't here yet" the girls Captain sighed, pinchin the bridge of her nose and gathering her team over to pick up the surrounding balls, "We'll just have to start without her"

crap, they didn't stand a chance without their star player.

𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭 [𝘬𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘰 𝘵𝘦𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘶]Where stories live. Discover now