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Kuroo's POV:

Trying to wake up Y/N for school was...Well a challenge. It quite literally took dragging her by her ankles across the room and tipping ice water on her face multiple times to even get her awake, plus an extra five minutes of complaining.

"Fuck off I want to sleep in" she mumbled, dragging her covers over her body and curling into them. "Y/N if you don't get up right now I will tell you what I found in your brothers drawer in great detail and you will have that image in your mind for the rest of your life"

Sure enough, she shot up off the floor and started getting ready, not without shooting murderous glares your way. "Get out I'm getting changed" she snapped, kicking you out the door and slamming it shut behind her. Awkwardly walking into the living room downstairs, you were met with her brother, quickly escorting his hookup out the door and sighing as she left. "Rough night?" You grinned, startling him before he returned the grin, "Ughh, like you'd never believe."

After a few minutes of idle chit-chat with her brother, who you learned was called B/N, she finally came downstairs, yawning as she rubbed her eyes, her hair a mess and still half asleep. "Morninnggg sleepyheaddd" B/N mocked, throwing a sofa pillow at her, which she caught and threw back twice as aggressively. "Piss off I'm not in the mood" she snapped, making her way into the kitchen and pouring herself some coffee.

"Oi Kuroo, you want anything?" she mumbled, sipping at her freshly brewed drink. "Nah I'm good thanks" you replied, watching as she returned to the living room, slumping onto the floor and downing her coffee. "You might want to go get dressed F/N, your going to be late for school againnnn" he snorted, dragging out the 'n' to annoy her further.

"Oh shit what time is it?"

"Ten to eight"


"What time actually is it?" B/N asked, his brow raised

"I dunno, like maybe seven?"

"Nice one bro"

"Thanks bro"

Deciding to completely ignore Kuroo because of his stupid prank, you had started walking to school on your own, until a familiar car honked at you just a few feet away, making your soul almost leave you body in shock.

"Kuroo...what the fuck" you groaned out, shooting him a glare as he pulled up besides you, tapping the passenger seat and grinning.

"Need a ride m'lady?"

"Call me that again and I'll slice off your limbs one by one" you jokingly (you weren't joking) spoke, getting into Kuroo's car, which smelt exactly like...

"Did you...Did you bring Maccies?!" You squealed, giving him puppy dog eyes as his grin only grew wider, "There may be some chicken nuggets in the backseat, but you can only have them if you forgive me for pranking you."  You didn't have to listen a second more before swinging around to get the bag of food, leaving yourself unsteady, causing you to fall back. Being the lucky person in a cliche fan fiction you are, you ended up falling right onto Kuroo's lap. Internally your organs were doing backflips as you were trying hard to suppress the blush that was forcing itself onto your face, but being the supposedly carefree person you are, externally you seemed unfazed at the awkward situation, and instead decided to make light of it, asking the boy if he'd like any nuggets.

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