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3rd Person POV:

10 minutes into the game and the boys had already taken the first set, due to the girls inability to stop the ball hitting the floor after that Rooster Head had his serve, and from then on it just went down hill.

The gym door squeaked open as their out of breath libero quietly ran to the changing rooms to change into her PE kit, coming out again less than a minute later to greet her very pissed off captain.

"Arriving fashionably late are we?" C/N asked, a ticked off expression on her face, her arms crossed against her chest

"I had to run here, so it took awhile" F/N scratched the back of her head awkwardly

"Just get in the game" her Captain sighed, pushing the air behind the late girl to motion her to move onto the court, the rest of the girls following suit.

Your POV:

"Hey, Tousle-head" you sneered, "Glad you could make it, I can't wait to kick your ass this set" The boys Captain just smirked and crossed his arms, coming over to his side of the net so he was practically towering over you.

"Oh yeah?" He taunted, "Your team already lost the first set, do you really think one rather small added player will pick you back up?"

It was your own Captains turn to butt in now, approaching you and leaning her elbow on your shoulder, a monotone expression sitting on her face. "Don't underestimate our libero"

And with that the 'proper' match had begun.

The girls team were feeling much more confident with their Guardian Deity on the court with them now. One of the students who helped out at the club blew the whistle, signaling for the male captain to serve the ball.

'60°, 100°, 140°' you thought to yourself, carefully measuring and watching the ball, almost in slow motion as it flew over your net.

"F/N-san" your caption yelled to you, wasting no time you shifted your feet a few steps back, your eyes not leaving the ball once. '190°' you thought again as you measured the distance between the ball and the floor.

'And, 50°, gotcha'

You lifted up your arms and easily recieved the ball, perfectly aiming it to go towards C/N, who went to set the ball to your team mate who was at the net ready, but your captain dumped it over the net instead, as the males were mid block, scoring your team a point.

The rooster head on the other side of the net gave you a sour look, whispering to his team mates, probably forming a strategy.

The game continued on in a rally, you recieving perfectly, your team mates hitting it over, the male libero recieving, hitting it back over. If you were being honest, you were bored. You had no interest in games that went by slowly, or games that rallied on for this long, you wanted to feel the burning sensation of the ball smacking against your wrists full pelt, or the adrenaline that you got when you were about to win a match on a close call.

Your captain seemed to pick up on this, and decided to call a break, neither of the teams had scored a point in the past 10 minutes, and she could see your recieves were getting sloppy and you were started to get lazy, something you only ever did when you were frustrated with how boring the match was.

"Whats wrong shorty? Are we that good that you guy needs to take a break?" Kuroo spoke to you, grinning like a madman. "No" you started, "The game is getting boring because every one of your spikes are easy to recieve, and nobody is scoring any points" he stared at you dumbfounded, before calling a boy called Kenma over, "Hey Kenmaaa, pipsqueak over here thinks we are bad at volleyball!" he teased, Kenma just started at you, literally making no effort to talk or continue the conversation

"I didn't say you guys were bad, I just said I was bored of it being so easy to recieve your spikes." Kenma kept eye contact with you, now intruiged with what you had to say "Although" you glanced up at Kuroo, a grin on your face, and then looked back to Kenma and continued speaking. "It's not my fault your Captain hits the ball like a little girl"

Kenma had to put his hand over his mouth to stop himself from releasing a chuckle, but the others in his team didn't hold back, they started howling with laughter, while their Captain glared at you, he didn't seem pissed off, not at all.

His stare was full of challenge, you returned the gesture, the both of you smirking until your Captain clapped her hands next to you, "Okay lovebirds, break is over, we can finish this some other time, so we'll see you soooooonnn!" dragging out the last word as she grabbed your wrist and pulled you away into the changing rooms, where the rest of your teammates were smirking and staring at you.

Being uncomfortable with the attention they were giving you, you spoke up, hoping they would stop. "What? Why are you all staring at me?" You asked, completely oblivious to the situation at hand.

"He's totally into you!" one of the middle blockers spoke up, a grin on her face. After she spoke, the rest of the team started giggling at your confused expression, which grew each second that ticked by.

Little did you know, that while you were busy trying to calm the team down, your Captain had gone on a trail to find a certain ravenette.

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