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your pov

'I'm not scared of the stupid movie' yeah what a lie. In reality you just didn't want Kuroo to know that you were absolutely terrified of movies with jumpscares, he'd never let you live it down. Plus it would definetly spread around the teams quicker than wildfire, and you certainly didn't want that, you'd be the subject of all memes and jokes from your teammates and that would be the worst, their insults were brutal.

Shovelling popcorn down your throat to distract yourself from the eery music coming from the TV, you didn't notice a certain raven haired boy sneak his hand towards your shoulder on the sofa cushion behind you. Watching the movie from the corner of your eye, half looking at and half avoiding paying full attention to the scene that was playing out, you suddenly felt a pair of strong hands grip both of your shoulders quickly, a loud "BOO!" being shouted out, followed by a yelp of suprise and fear from you, grabbing the closest thing to you, which just so happened to be Kuroo's arm.

You glared at him as he burst out laughing, holding his stomach as he keeled over, crying out that his ribs were hurting from laughing too hard. You eventually joined in, lightly kicking him in the arm and complaining about how much of a fright he gave you.

When your laughing fit eventually subsided,  you both sat in silence for a while, trying to calm down your aching stomachs as you both watched the dogs playing on the floor until Kuroo's phone started to ring, kicking you both out of the peaceful trance you were in.

"Hello?" he answered, the hum of another voice echoing out of his phone speaker, "Okay, I'll stay at Kenma's then" you listened into his conversation, being the nosey person you were, "Yeah I love you too, bye." He hung up, throwing his phone besides him and letting out a long sigh, making you chuckle. "Who was that?" you questioned, "My Grandma, telling me nobody is home tonight so I'll have to stay somewhere else" you raised a brow at him, he lives with his Grandma? Nah, I won't pry.

You and Kuroo spent the next few minutes playing with the dogs before he eventually got up to leave, waving good byes as you shut the door behind him, trailing over to your sofa and flopping onto it head first and instantly nodding into a slumber.

It hadn't even been five minutes before you were woken up to the dogs barking, alerting you that someone was knocking on the door. Peeping through the peephole, you saw the one and only Rooster head standing on your porch, awkwardly scratching his neck as he knocked.

Tiredly opening the door, revealing your yawning state, causing Kuroo to chuckle. "Hi again...Uhh my car won't start so..I kinda can't get to Kenma's house"

"Wow how cliche" you laughed before again, yawning, opening your door for Kuroo to enter to which he stepped inside, being bombarded by the dogs once again. "My brother might have some clothes you can use, come with me and choose I don't even want to know what he hides in his draws" you sighed, leading Kuroo upstairs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and into your brothers room, swinging left into your own as he went looking for clothes, you grabbed a blanket off of your bed and a pillow. I doubt he'd mind sleeping on the couch, not like your red brick house was a 5 star hotel or anything, it takes seven tries to even turn the shower on, and half the time it looks like its about to explode.

A few minutes later Kuroo came back downstairs wearing some random clothes, "Its a good job you weren't the one looking for the clothes...I almost screamed like a little girl when i put my hand into the clothes drawer and fou-"

"-Oh my god Kuroo no please stop I don't want to hear about my brothers sex life" you cried out, putting your hands over your ears and making a 'lalalala' sound to block out him speaking, until he suddenly let out a scream, grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the couch, almost knocking you to the ground in the process, pointing with a shaky hand at the freakishly large spider crawling its way over the arm of the leather couch. "Oh. My. God. IT'S HUGE" he cried out, making your snort, "That's what she said...Or I guess in your case maybe its not" you pressed your hand to your chin, pretending to think as Kuroo started shaking your shoulders "No way I'm sleeping with that thing any where near me!!!!" You swore he was about to start crying and beg you to remove it, but instead, one of your dogs decided he wanted to jump up and pounce on the spider, smushing its guts onto the sofa cushion making Kuroo scream again next to you, hiding behind you like a shy child meeting their parents friends for the first time. "I'd rather put my hand back in your brothers draw than sleep on spider guts"

"How cliche, this is like something out of a damn fanfiction. I guess you'll have to sleep in my bed then...The floor in my room is uneven so it'd be way too uncomfortable for you to sleep on it." You yawned, running a hand through your hair as you motioned Kuroo upstairs, throwing the pillow and blanket back onto your bed as you lifted the cover and got in.

"Try anything funny and you'll wake up castrated"

"Aye aye captain!"

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