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Kuroo POV:

"I'm going to, a hot girls houseee~ I'm going to, a hot girls houuseeee~~~" You sang, swirling your keys around your finger as you strolled out your house, phone in hand as the obnoxiously loud boy you were on facetime with started singing along.

Entering your car, you put your phone onto the GPS holder and started the engine, "Sooo Kuroo dudeee, going to a chic's house" the owl boy spoke on the phone, a smirk growing on his face, "Technically I'm just being her ride" you replied, feeling slightly awkward that the girl you had literally spoken to twice in real life was even allowing you to know her location, let alone go to her house...Alone.

"Aww is wittle baybee kuwo nervous about going to a giwls houwse" Bokuto mocked, putting on a childish accent. "Just because you're jealous you don't get to go to anyones house but your own Mr. NoNe Of ThE bOyS i LiKe LiKe Me BaCk" You cackled into the phone, starting the engine and beginning to drive to her house, which fortunetly was only a 15 minute drive.

[PD/N] = pregnant dogs name

Kuroo POV:

Pulling up outside her house, with a 20 piece chicken nugget meal in tow, you walked up to the door and knocked, YN openining it the second you removed your hand from the wooden knocker. "Yo!" she beamed, opening the door and inviting you in. "Heres your chicken nuggets" you spoke looking around the room "Wheres the dog!!!"

She walked over to the kitchen door, opening it as 4 HUMUNGUS dogs ran out, knocking you to the ground and licking your face. "Pfftt I guess they like you" she managed to squeak out, keeling over in laughter as the dogs continued to cacoon you in a cave of fur.

"I thought you only had one dog and some puppies?" you asked, the dogs finally settling down on the sofa as you walked upstairs. "Nah, I foster them until they get adopted from the rescue! I ended up falling in love with [PD/N] so I adopted her, but all the others are still up for adoption" How cute.

"Oh by the way shes kind of nervous around strangers so, don't take it personally if she hates you at first" she awkwardly chucked, opening the door to a spare room that was...full of mattresses and dog toys? Y/N approached a large wooden box, that seemed to be missing a roof? Calling out the dogs name as a huge, fluffy brown and black head peered from above the box, holy crap another huge dog you thought as you shuffled your way over to the box, watching as Y/N picked up what looked like a literal sweet potato, showing it to you. "Come on, you can hold the puppies and I'll deal with [PD/N]" she spoke, shoving 4 puppies wrapped in a fluzzy blanket into your arms and going into a chest of draws beside her, pulling out a slip lead for [PD/N].

It took you both about 20 minutes to get to the vets, both eating the chicken nugget meal on the way, puppies sitting on Y/Ns lap and the momma dog sprawled out and sleeping in the back seat, drooling all over your seat.

"Hello Ms. L/N!" the young lady at the desk beamed out as you both walked through the door "Just head around to Dr.Eita, he's waiting for you in room 4" she continued, a smile plastered onto her face as she looked you up and down. "Your boyfriend over there will need to sign here since he has never come here before" she spoke, holding up a sheet of paper, causing you and Y/N to akwardly look anywhere but eachother, "Hes not my boyfriend" Y/N coughed out, handing you the sheet and taking the puppies from you, scurrying around the corner.

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