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Kuroo's POV

"Hey man why are you so late? And...flustered? Oooh has Kuroo got a little lady friend?"

"None of your business Baldy, let's get to practice before Kenma has my eye poked out with his Nintendou (haha get it) stick." Kuroo awkwardly spoke as he tried to ignore the loop of images spinning in his mind of you falling onto his lap in the car and playing it cool, not to mention the fact he straight up slept next to you? How does he even manage to do that after knowing you for a few hours. His luck really is something else.

"Kuroo..Dude, where are you going? That's the girls locker rooms" Yamamoto started to tear up trying not to laugh as he watched Kuroo awkwardly spin out of the (luckily empty) girls doorway and make his way over to the boys. He didn't know it yet, but you were going to drive him insane.

Y/n's POV:

"Heyyy [F/nnnn]!" Your team captain sang out down the almost empty hallway, dragging on your name for what seemed like eternity. "Yes, [C/N]?" You sighed, you were just trying to change your damn shoes in peace and you couldn't even do that without being rudely disturbed by your Teammates, and then just as you were about to leave with your Captain, an annoying ass voice was heard from behind.

"Soo our little [L/n] makes her move fast doesn't she?" You could practically smell the melting plastic dripping off of her face at her trashy attempt of a burn. Just who you wanted to see first thing in the morning, [Insert stinky bitch name for ur bully lol].

"If you don't mind me asking, [B/n], is that plastic smell coming from your fake ass tits or the 400¥ corset you got off of ebay? Genuine question." You really didn't want to deal with her right now, but like hell were you letting her have the last word.

"Whatever, at least Kuroo likes my tits, couldn't say the same for you, anyone would think you hadn't reached puberty yet" She spat back

"What does Kuroo have anything to do with this? Are you jealous we hung out because you want me all to yourself? Maybe you should take a break from the plastic surgery and go see a therapist, while your obsession with me truly is flattering it's getting kind of annoying, if you want to ask me to date go right ahead, everyone knows I swing both ways anyways" You shrugged, before having your wrist grabbed by your Captain who started dragging you away from your little word battle with the Regina George of Nekoma High.

"Whatever you Bitch! Just stay away from Kuroo, he's mine." She growled, which came out more of a chihuahua whine but lets not discriminate, not our fault she lacks loose vocal cords (along with natural body features, that is).


Y/N: 1
B/N: 0

As much as you had tried to ignore her words, [B/n] saying to stay away from Kuroo angered you. You had only known him for less than a day but you felt like you'd been friends for years, the instant connection with the tall Captain had you wondering if platonic soulmates really did exist, you had never felt like that before, not even with [C/n], and you had been best friends with her for years.

Your frustration towards [B/n] only grew when at your lunch period, you saw her loitering around the gym doors, filled water bottle in hand with his name written on the side. Making your way towards the entrance, you leaned on the door and glared at her.

"Can I help you?" you spoke, pure hatred coating your words as she turned to look at you. "Yeah you can help me by going away, you don't need to be here" She snapped, walking closer to you so you were pressed against the door, her towering over you because of the height difference.

"Oh? Taking me up on that offer are we? I always knew you were gay!" You smiled, purposefully acting cheery to annoy her further. "Shut the fuck up and listen to me because I won't say it again, Kuroo is mine, you hear me? Mine" She spat, her face so close to yours you could practically count how many layers of foundation she had put on to cover her ugly personality.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" being chanted from the path towards the gym, followed by the sound of someone being smacked by what sounded like a bag. "[B/n what are you doing?" Kuroo asked, as him, Kenma and Yamamoto aproached the gym entrance.

"Oh nothing! Me and [Y/n] were just having a little chat is all!" She smiled, handing Kuroo his water bottle, which he seemed to be appreciative of as he put it into his gym bag and thanked her.

You had started to walk into the gym before [B/n] grabbed your wrist and pulled you back outside, her eyes full of menace, "[Y/n where are you going? We havent finished planning the party yet!" she grinned, turning to Kuroo "You should come Kuroo! It's going to be so much fun" she smiled, her voice layered with bs.

Kuroo had looked at his friends, Yamamoto aggressively nodding and Kenma ignoring everyone and just playing on his phone. "Yeah sure we will come! When is it?"

"Next Thursday at my place! Invite everyone you know, It's gonna be a huge party!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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