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It had been two days since I found San's dead body in my bedroom.
After calling the police I messaged everyone I knew saying I was back to not cause anything like this again.

It was strange because all of them seemed to be really glad... I thought they didn't like me at all, turned out I was wrong for the most part. One of my colleagues at the fashion shop I used to work at was able to convince my boss to let me work there again so I didn't have to worry about money for now.
When I heard that one of my coworkers stood in for me I felt relieved but the shock wasn't gone yet.

I never entered my bedroom for 2 days and I barely ate much. I knew that this wasn't right but everytime I thought I could finally relax San's face appeared in my head again.
According to the police, San had been seeing a psychologist even before I went missing and the suicide didn't happen in his right state of mind but while he was under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
But it was all so distant to me... I had never known of such struggles of his and now he was gone just like that.

What a cruel earth this was.

Today was my first day back at work and I really wanted to know who of the people there had been so nice to me but when I arrived there was only one other girl there that I knew didn't like me.

"How the hell did you get back here?" she asked giving me an annoyed look and I decided to just ignore her question. Instead I said "Good to see you again, Rin. Is there anything I can help you with right now? Or should I take care of the selling?" She rolled her eyes and concentrated herself on her phone again.

"You can help exchanging the collection over there with the new one in the stroring room." she said.

"Help whom?" I asked but Rin ignored me so I didn't wait for an answer and went to the door of the store room to help whoever was inside of there.

I slowly opened the door and glaced inside the room. Behind some boxes there was someone sitting on the ground and unpacking some shirts. I only saw the hands of that person and carefully asked "Excuse me? I'm supposed to help you with that."

The person stopped in his actions and a young male's voice answered to my question.

"Han Jisung... I told you that you might not have a place in this world but you wanted to go back. Are you really happier now?"
No way... I knew this voice. Suddenly the person stood up and I was facing a boy about my age with pink hair and shining green eyes.

"Jeongin?!" I shouted, ran up to him and gave him a tight hug. Although I didn't even miss him that much, the fact that he was here was proof that the time with the princes hadn't been just a dream.
The boy wraped his arms around me after a short moment of confusion.

"You should thank me for convincing your boss to let you work here again." Jeongin said while taking a step back... but I had more important things in mind right now than some job and didn't hestitate to speak up.

"Jeongin! Please tell me, are the princes still alive? Did Minho do anything to Chan!?"
The boy's expression got serious and I suddenly feared the worst.

"No... all of them are fine... but Minho plans on killing his brother ...this evening."
Shit! I couldn't let this happen. There had to be a possibility to stop what was going to happen. Although I didn't want to admit it, I regretted going back to earth 6. The life on earth 3 might be harder than here but the people there already had a place in my heart and I could never forgive myself if I knew I could've saved them.

"You have to stop him!" I pleaded but Jeongin shook his head, a sad expression on his face.

"I'm not allowed to interfere with the actions of a human unless I was the one who transfered their soul."

"THEN LET ME GO TO EARTH 3 AGAIN!" Tears of frustration were building up in my eyes but I wasn't sad. I was angry, angry that I left them. Angry that I wasn't able to stop Minho from listening to his mother, angry that Chan and maybe his brothers would die because I left them.
Jeongin didn't say anything. He looked me deep in the eye but then silently said "Is it your deepest desire to go back?"

"Yes!" I answerd knowing that I wouldn't change my mind.

"I can send a soul to another world and back one time. The second time is a bit more difficult and there's a high chance you can't go back again after that. Also... I won't only transfer your soul but also your body this time because the other way it is too risky and your souk might take damage. There are going to be two Jisungs on earth three then but you can always only use one of those bodys..." The boy told me but I didn't care if I'd be able to go back or not at the moment. Since the day I got back here my situation had become even worse. One time in my life I wanted to do something to help the ones I loved... and not let them die. Another death like San's wasn't endurable for me. So I took Jeongin's hand and begged him.

"Please, send me back. I don't care if I might not be able to go back but please- give me a chance."
The boy's face showed no expression but then he nodded.

"I'm doing you a favour because I like you, Han Jisung. But this is gonna take a while so if you really plan on saving your friends we have to start as soon as possible."

Not even a minute later I had packed my things and ran out of the shop after telling Rin that I felt sick. I took the bus to my appartment and entered while Jeongin was already waiting for me in the living room. It was already afternoon so there wasn't much time left.

After putting on a black hoodie and blue jeans I looked around for anything that I could use as a weapon. But when I walked up to the time spirit with an electro shocker that I never thought I'd need he told me that I was not allowed to take any objects except for clothing to another world so I had to go back without a weapon. Even so... I'd succed, no matter what!

"Lay down and relax Jisung. Concentrate yourself on your physical body. Think about who you are and what you want the most. This time it is transferring to world 3." The pink haired boy spoke and I did what he told me to. When I closed my eyes I imagined the palace, the princes and my other friends. I didn't know for how long I layed there on the ground but suddenly my body started feeling so light that I thought I was flying.

"Don't open your eyes Jisung" I heard Jeongin's voice like an echo in my head and there it was again. The grass green light that I had seen before when I traveled through time and space. It was the same green as the pink haired spirit's eyes.

An ice cold feeling went through my body followed by a wave of heat like fire. My arms and legs were shaking and I couldn't focus my eyes on anything.

"Where do you want me to bring you?" the echoed voice asked and there were only two words in my mind.

To Minho
To Minho
To Minho

"Good luck, Jisung."

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