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"Good luck, Jisung!"

With a loud bang I crashed with the wooden floor and in my head everything was spinning. Quickly I stood up but it was too quick and I fell again. The second time it hurt even more.

"Who is in there?!" I heard a man's voice and slowly I was able to see again. I tried to stand up again, this time more slowly and checked where I was right now. It looked like a bedroom but it was very big and there was expensive furniture and decoration everywhere.

"Prince Minho is that you? I thought you wanted to go to the forest?" the males voice said again.
Was this Prince Minho's bedroom? Why was I in here? I wanted to get to him and not to his bedroom!
"I'm comming in!" I heard the man. Now I had to act quickly.
Gladly there was a large window and in less than two seconds I managed to climb out side and run in direction of the forest. I couldn't face anyone with these clothes but I didn't have time to change... and also, the forest was so far and the sun was already low. I wouldn't make it!

But then I had an idea. If nobody moved my second body away from the place in the forest it should still be there and Jeongin told me I could switch between bodys. That was the solution! Firstly I needed a place to hide so that no one would find me. Actually I found one really fast. There were many bushes right behind the castle and without hesitation I jumped through the plants and layied down there.
I concentrated myself on the other body I had and with my eyes closed I suddenly saw myself curled up next to the tree where Minho had left me. I wasn't alone though because the blue haired prince himslef was sitting next to me. Was this a real time vision?
It didn't matter. I reached for my body and suddenly it felt like I was pulled inside Han Jisung number 2.

I slowly opened my eyes and was met with one blue eye and a mask on a beautiful face I was well familiar with.
"Jisung!!!" Prince Minho shouted and cupped my face in his hands. But I sat up and harshly pushed him of. "I won't let you do something that you will regret later." I said to him and his expression changed from happy to sad and cold.
"I should've killed you 3 days ago but then you passed out and didn't wake up. I thought you were dead but your heart was still beating... what happend to you Jisung?" He tried to grab my hand but I pulled back. "It doesn't matter what happend to me. But you're not going to kill Chan!"
The Prince stood up and I followed his example. Then he turned around and started walking with me following behind.
"You like him, don't you?" he asked and I could feel how tensed he was.
"Stop changing the subject! You shouldn't listen to what your mother tells you. It's not worth killing your brothers for becomming king!"

I grabbed his arm and he stopped. Suddenly he turned around and took a step closer. His expression was angry and surprisingly hurt.
"Brothers?! All my 22 years of living they treated me like a monster! They didn't look or even talk to me... not even the king himslelf!"
He took another step and I had to step back but he continued.
"My mother was fooled by the king who told her she was his one and only love. But then he kicked her out! Telling her to go as far away as possible and never show her face again. Do you know how heartbroken she felt? It is her right to be the mother of the next king. And that is going to be me!" he shouted at me but I wouldn't give up. With all the will power I had I faught against his words.
"You're wrong! What about Hyunjin? I thought he was always nice to you... and Seungmin, he doesn't like many people anyway. For Wonpil and Chan... it is not their fault for wrong rumors about you to spread. They've been raised by the queen and it is not their fault that she probably hates you so much.
And lastly, what if your mother lied to you, huh? What if the reason for her being kicked out of the palace is something else?"
"HOW DARE YOU ACUSE HER OF LYING!" The prince shouted and punshed me in the face.
I lost balance and fell to the ground while me cheek was hurting like hell.
I was on my knees and stared at the ground. This was harder than I expected.
"You want people to stop calling you a monster but keep acting like one..." I silently mumbled and in the corner of my eye I could see Minho stumbling back with fear in his eyes. "I- I didn't mean t- to..." he said and his voice had lost all the aggressiveness from before. While pushing myself up again I looked him deep in the eye.
"You need to stop being what people tell you to be. This is a so called self-fulfilling prophecy...Show them who you are and make the right decision. Chan doesn't deserve to be killed just like you don't deserve to be treated like a bad person."
Prince Minho's gaze were on the ground and he mumbled something I didn't understand so I just gave him a confused stare. Then he started again.
"Prince Chan... if I don't kill him, are you going to stay with him for your whole life?"
I didn't know how to react at first. Was he actually jealous or was it something else?... he looked so vulnerable right now.
Without further thinking I grabbed his hands and pulled him into a hug. His reaction was shock at first but then he wrapped his hands around me and put his head on my shoulder. I whispered in his ear "I'm never gonna leave you alone Prince Minho, I swear... and you know why? Because although you can be really stupid sometimes, I like you."
"R- really?" The boy asked and I nodded. Then he faced me again and asked "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
"C- can I kiss you, Jisung?". His question left me in surprise but I was also happy that he was finally honest with his feelings. I let go of him but still had his hands in mine.
"Yes." I answered smiling at him and he gave me a smile back.
Slowly he brought his head nearer to mine and I realised how much I missed the feeling of his lips on mine.
In that moment he stopped and in his eyes I could see shock.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Oh no I completely forgot about Wonpil!"
"What is with him?"
Minho let go of me and turned around ready to run in direction of the palace.
"My mother's men... they plan on killing him this evening too! While he's having dinner with the rest of the family!" I didn't even waste a second and started running, right behind Minho. Never in my life would I let that happen. Nobody hurted my friends!

Hehehehe it's just an almost kiss

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