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She didn't deserve to be killed.

When I arrived at the palace there was no sign of any soldier or the woman in the yard meaning they didn't catch her yet. I needed to see if she would manage to escape the kings men.
"JisUng whEre werE yOu?" I heard a familiar but a bit cracked voice shouting. I was already inside and Prince Minho suddenly stumbled around the corner of the hallway.
Why was he still here? The party was already over so he should be in his room right now. "Just wanted to have some fresh air" I responded and approached him who barrely managed to walk straight. "Oh *hic* okay. I think I *hic* love you Jiiisung. Hahaha *hic* you're so beautiful *hic*." Minho mumbled and suddenly hugged me.
Although he was drunk and said only nonsense his words still let my heart beat rise a bit. "How about you go to sleep my prince?" I gently asked him and he nodded. "Yeah *hic* okay"

But instead of letting go he let himself fall on me and pushed me to the ground with him, his head lying on my chest.
"Not here!" I shouted but he was already asleep. "How the fuck can you fall asleep in less than 3 seconds?!"
"Need help?" Someone laughed from behind me. "Brian!" I sighed relieved that there was someone that could help. "Please tell me you're not drunk too" I said to him and gladly he wasn't.

Together we managed to carry Minho to his bed but Brain had to leave soon because Hyunjin was still wandering around inside the palace too and he also needed someone to bring him to his room. So I was alone with the sleeping prince now.
Carefully I took off his shoes and continued with the jacket. But when I tried to free him from his shirt he suddenly pulled my arm causing me to fall on the bed next to him. "Minho, if you're awake then change clothes on your own." I complained but he had already wrapped his arms around me from behind not planing on letting go. "Good night Jisung" he quietly nuzzled into my neck. I knew that it was probably no use to agrue with him now so and decided to give up for today.
"Good night Minho." I whispered and closed my eyes noticing how exhausted I had been the whole evening.

"JISUNG! MINHO!" someone screamed and both of us immediately were awake and ready for anything. Jeongin was standing infront of the bed a scared expression on his face.
"Ahhh my head" Minho groaned "What the hell do you want, kid?" he asked.
"Jisung, they caught her! After you met her yesterday they caught her and brought her to the palace!" Jeongin explained in a hurry. I didn't even ask myself why he knew where I was yesterday. He was still a spirit after all. Without thinking I quickly stood up still having the clothing of the evening on. "Where is she?" I asked the pink haired boy but before he could answer Minho interrupted. "Who the hell did Jisung meet yesterday? Who are you talking about?" he wanted to know and both of us slowly turned around to him scared to say the truth. "Your mother" Jeongin said "the king ordered to execute her when the sun rises behind the mountains."
The prince's confused expression turned into fear. I knew he hated his mother for what she did but he also loved her deep inside.
"Bring me there!" he shouted at Jeongin and grabbed the boys shoulders. "Minho! Careful." I said but Jeongin just nodded. "They are in the large yard in the the middle of the palace... where parades usually take place. I can't help you saving her with my magic but I'll do everything to support you." he encouraged him and Minho immediately started running followed by me and Jeongin.

After a few minutes we were near the execution place and from far away there sounded a voice.
"This woman tried to kill the princes and the king himself and even injured one of them which is reason enough to punish her with beheading."
There was a small crowd infront of us but Minho just pushed them away carelessly to get through. Far away I could see the sun behind the mountains... It was too late.

"MOTHER!" Minho screamed and tried to push away the guards. The woman looked up and started smiling when she saw her son. She was kneeling on the ground hands tied behind her back. Blood ans dirt was all over her face and skin and a massive man with a large sword was standing at her side. The king and the queen sat on their thrones a bit further away.
Stop. Stop. STOP. I thought but nothing happned... the time didn't stop!
Minho's mother opened her mouth to speak. "Stay back! I love you Min-" Suddenly the man let the sword whiz down and with a disgusting sound he cut of the womans head.


No one said anything and everyones breathing had stopped.

With a silent thud the womans body collapsed and her head started rolling until it reached Minho and the two guards holding him. Blood was coloring the floor red and when I saw her dead purple eyes lifelessly staring at me I felt like vomiting. Suddenly Minho let out a scream that echoed all around the place and pushed both of the guards away. "YOU! HOW COULD YOU! SHE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE!" he ran up to the man that had just killed his mother, with a sword that he stole from the other ones in his right hand. "SHE DIDN'T HAVE ANOTHER CHOICE!" he yelled and attacked the man who defended himself but didn't dare to attack a prince.
"MINHO! STOP!" I screamed but two people held me back. It was Hyunjin and Chan and behind them I could see the other ones who were also shocked by the situation.
"It's too dangerous" Chan tried to convince but I didn't want to listen to him.
Minho had already disarmed his opponent and slowly walked closer to him.
"Son! It's enough" the king himself suddenly shouted but Minho ignored him. "DIE!" he screamed and stabbed the mans chest making him flinch and hiss in pain before collapsing just like the woman... but Minho didn't stop. He stabbed him again and again everytime screaming and crying at the same time. "I HATE YOU ALL! WHY?! WHY DID YOU KILL HER?! WHY DID YOU KILL MY MOTHER?!"

I managed to free myself from their grip and ran up to Minho almist stumbeling over my own feet. Then I kicked the sword out of his hands and wrapped my arms around him from behind slowly pulling him away from the man and his mothers corpse. The exhausted boy didn't even defend himseld anymore but only continued crying and shouting.
I had to stay strong. I had to be strong when he wasn't... but tears started building up in my eyes too. My friends ran up to us while the rest of the crowd stepped back scared of the broken prince.

My gaze fell on Minho's mothers head again. It looked even more disgusting and terrifying than before... this was the second time someone died... because of me. Suddenly I felt dizzy and lost balance before my vision went black and I only heard the dull sound of more yelling

It had been too much for me.

Any Atinys out there? I just uploaded the first chapter of my new Ateez woosan FF called "My roommate is a serial killer". Feel free to check it out. 🤗

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