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A week had passed by now and since I was a "girl" now, my job in the royal yard had changed to be an assisting maid in sewing and washing all the laundry.
The head court lady that I soon learned was well acquainted with prince Chan took it upon her to personally show me around and train me so I wasn't thrown into cold water.
People called her Lady Lisa and apart from Changbin and Prince Chan she was the only person that knew about my identity as Han Jisung.

Together we walked through the hallways, heading for the working room were I'd be joining other maids with their project of creating special garments for the princes' upcoming ceremony.

"Listen Jisung... no Jisa. The girls in there might all seem nice but you can never be certain that they are not spying for some nosy lord. Keep quiet as much as you can, we'll say your throat is damaged due to an illness in your childhood so that should make up for the lower pitch."

She patted my back and left me alone in front of the entrance. Lady Lisa was actually pretty young, about 25 years old and her bright silky hair was always put up with a hairpin made of silver and saphir stones matching her greyish blue eyes. She was a bit smaller than me but her aura let her seem taller than everyone else. Like a majestic angel in some way...

I opened the door and stepped inside the small cramped chamber. One of the 5 girls working in there looked up and greeted me with a smile. She had blond hair jusy like Lady Lisa and was wearing the same outfit as me.

"You must be Jisa. My name is Sophie and I'm the little sister of Lady Lisa. Probably you already knew that" she laughed a little pointing at her hair that differed in color from all the others around the palace.

"She told me you already know how to sew so you won't need any help with that." She continued and pulled me over to a working bench.
I had had a bad feeling about this before but Sophie seemed really nice so I felt a bit releaved. I tried to sound a bit more like a girl when I answered.

"Hi... yeah I'm Jisa. Thank you for welcoming me. I might know how to sew but what exactly are we making?" I forced the same bright smile to mirror her expression and pointed at the color fabrics that were spread across a table. Another girl rolled her eyes.
Okay I took that back... this was gonna be difficult.
Sophie ignored the others that were stating in annoyance and grabbed my hand to show me where to sit.

"Don't bother with them. They're just pissed because no one of the princes wants to wear their clothes. You know, most of the time we just sew what we're told to but one day each year everyone of us gets the chance to design a part of a garment for one of the princes. If they like it we are rewarded with money or we're able to work at a higher rank. You picked the perfect day for joining!"
I looked at the needles, strings and soft silk fabric that was placed infront of me and started getting new inspiration... it was time for me to show them some 21st century fashion. "So I can really make anything I want?" I asked shile she sat down next to me and continued working on a green piece before mumbling back to me.

"Of course, as long as it is for the princes."
Unfortunately, I only knew the second prince but I wanted to make something for the other ones too. The chances were higher od winning because Chan would never choose mine.

"Hey Sophie, do you know the measure of the princes?" I wondered and she was quick to explain them to me.

"Also... what kind of people are the princes? I've only met prince Chan so fat but I want to make something for the others too. Something that fits their personality."
Sophie still focused her eyes on her cloth but started telling me about the princes while sewing.

"Okay, well there is the crown prince, the first born. His name is Wonpil and he is very kind and gentle, in times of hardship he has proven himself reliable and devoted to his people. Nobody would dare to start a fight with him. His hair has the same brown colour as yours and his eyes are ocean blue just like every prince and princess has them.
You already know the second prince Chan and theres also Prince Hyunjin, the 4th prince. Every women and even men in the country dream of once being blessed by his godlike beauty. He is a real heartbreaker let me tell ya. Fighting is not his favourite thing to do but he has talent in any kind of art. Whether it is drawing, dancing or singing, he will perfect it in no time. So he can be very playful but also concerningly ambitious. I've lived in the palace my whole life but I have never experienced him failing in something.
Now to the last one. The 5th prince Seungmin suffers a little being the youngest of the family and constantly tries asserting himself and staying serious. Most of the time you'll see him reading or lecturing his servants but once you see him with his brothers he seems very friendly and kind. On top of that he is a very good archer. My older brother Felix who works as a general is his best friend so I am acquainted with prince Seungmin the most?"

"I see.. what about the 3rd prince then? There is a third prince right?" I questioned and wondered why she left him out. That couldn't have been an accident right?

Sophie stopped sewing and simply stared at her hands. Everyone in the room had stopped working and threw dark glares at me.
What the hell was wrong now? Then Sophie turned around to me with a serious look on her face.

"You're not from here are you?" She asked making me gulp nervously.
Was it that obvious already?

"Yeah you could say that..." I muttered.

"That explains it... you should know, the third prince doesn't live in the palace... at least not always. His mother wasn't the queen nor a concubine so he was always treated like an outcast even by the king himself. People say he lived somewhere in the forest most of his life. He is a loner and everytime he shows up here everyone hides behind their doors. Sometimes we don't see him for half a year but sometimes he returns every week.
Its said that he killed a whole village just because he felt like it and people fear him. One of his eyes is always covered by a black mask... people think he is hiding a scar that makes him look like a monster but nobody really knows." It sounded like she was telling a horror story but her emotions very genuine.

"And do you believe the rumors about him?" I wanted to know and Sophie lowered her head.

"I'm not sure... my sister once told me that as a kid the 3rd prince had been a little strange but never aggressive or rude. She actually remberes him being kind to her once. I don't know what happened to change him so much or where he goes whenever he's not at the palace." She stated and I understood her torn feelings about this. An abandoned prince in ancient times? This story was finally something interesting.
If the third prince would really show up soon I could see for myself if he actually was like Sophie described him. What would I get from him if he liked the piece of clothing I was about to make?

"Whats his name again?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you... his name is Minho."

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