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The next day, after I slept in my new room in Minho's part of the palace, I had to train. Because I was the 3rd prince's personal adviser and protector now I had to get better at fighting.
So early in the moring I met up with Changbin and Felix to lern the basics of sword fighting.
When I arrived at the place outside there were already 5 people trying out fighting styles and different weapons. 2 of them looked up when they saw me coming. Of course it was Felix and Changbin. "Jisung! You're here to train with us right?" Felix happily shouted and they ran up to me. "Yes I am." I stated and Changbin took my hand to pull me with him to the other 3 persons. "Those two are gonna train with us" he told me and pointed to the 2 males that were busy with sword fighting. One of them had bright silver hair and was taller than the other brown haired male who still seemed to be a better fighter, judging what I was witnessing right now because suddenly he kicked the taller ones sword away and pushed him to the ground while laughing. "You're not fighting fair, Brian." The silver haired male said but Brian helped him up again and with a smile they boxed each others shoulder.
When they saw me the smaller one waved and a gentle smile spread on his face"Hey there! So you're the new kid?"
"Yes... I guess so" I answered and shook his hand. Then I turned around to the other one. "Jisung, right? My name is Jae and I'm prince Wonpil's guard. That Idiot there is Brian, Prince Hyunjins guard."
I instantly knew these people were good people. Both of them seemed to be really relaxed and nice. "Nice to meet you guys" I happily answered.
"And you're the cousin of Bang Chan best friend that died a few years ago?" Brian wanted to justify what he had heard.
I almost forgot that no other person except the Princes, Changbin, Felix, Lady Lisa and Sophie knew that I was from the future. Woojin said it'd be better to make a big thing out of it so I just nodded at them.
"Okay, I suggest we start with bow and arrow." Changbin changed the topic and soon we were all standing infront of round targets that had red dots in the middle. For two hours all of them had tried to teach me something but I learned very slowly.
"At least you're hitting the target now" Jae laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "With a distance of 5 meters!" He laughed again and the others joined him until a smile formed on my face too.
Suddenly a question crossed in my mind and I didn't hestitate to ask. "By the way, what happend to the woman and her group of criminals and robbers?"
The smiles dissapeared from their faces and Felix spoke up. "There is no sign of that woman but the king ordered to kill her and every one of her men or women... if you ask me this goes a bit too far."
Why would the king want to kill them? They might be criminals that tried to kill the princes but they didn't have another choice! Nobody gave a shit about them, they were outcasts, their clan was their only family.
Brian saw my shocked and angry expression and continued "It definitely goes to far. They burned down the whole inside of the mountain were they were hiding and I heard that more than half of them were already murdered."
"Why would the king do this?!" I whisper yeller and kicked one of the targets in frustration. I thought the king of this country was nice and gentle. Every time I had seen him he was smiling and laughing.

"I'm living here for as long as Wonpil now... but the king doesn't talk to his sons often. Actually I can't say what kind of person he is... maybe he just wants to protect his sons." Jae thought but his expression showed doubt.
"So...Is he a good king?" I wanted to know but everyone turned their heads away and kept quiet. Before I could get an answer out of them I suddenly heard Hyunjin screaming "BRIAN!" The brown haired guard turned around and shouted back to the 4th prince that hurriedly walked up to us. "WHAT?!"
"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS YELLING?" Changbin and Jae said at the same time and I and Felix started laughing because of their angry and pissed faces.
Hyunjin was now close enough to talk with a normal pitched voice. "Jisung, Changbin, Felix and Brain. My brothers need you too. And as you already are aware of, you're joining our dinner so put something on that doesn't look like shit."
"Are you trying to offend me?!" Jae pouted but Hyunjin was already on his way back inside. I followed his example and a few minutes later I was infront of Minhos room having no idea with what exactly I should help him with.

I reached out my arm to knock on the door but suddenly it was opened from inside showing a shirtless Prince Minho right infront of my eyes.
"Oh!" I gasped and a smile formed on the males face. Then he took my arm and pulled me inside.
"Jisung, I need you to help me with deciding what to put on" he said while placing different pieces of clothing on the floor. So that was why he was shirtless.
"It's just a family dinner..." I sighed. "Why all the drama?"
While still searching for something he answered "No, the king and other royal people from the country will be there... it's not just a meal. Its more like a small festival to drink to the wealthy country."
"Wealthy... of course" I mumbled but he probably didn't hear me.
"Alright." I said and grabbed his shoulders to turn him around to me.
"I see you're not wearing your mask anymore. Thats good but people need to be less frightened of you so we need something that lets your aura seem gentle but still underlines your sharp sense and intelligence."
I thought to myself while checking his measures.

"Wow you're really an expert Jisung."
He gasped in surprise when I finished dressing him.
"I used to work at a fashion boutique and at a shop and I learned how to design so yeah, I kinda have experience with that."
Because I wanted to see the finished outfit I took a few steps back.
The prince had on black pants combined with a dark purple shirt made of silk and an also black jaquette that was decorated with bright but small purple jewels on the shoulder part. I gotta admit that I might gave him a bit more 21 century style but I didn't really knew anything about fashion 1000 years ago so it'd do.
"How do I look like?" the prince asked and selfconfidently posed in front of me.
"Something is missing... do you mind me doing yout hair and a bit of make-up?" I asked and waited for an answer. The prince seemed to remeber something and said "Usually one of the maids does my make-up but none of them except for Sophie and Lady Lisa offered their help. But then the Lady said you'd be better at it anyway so you should do it."

"Okay then... lets start."

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