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The pain was gone.
Slowly I got up and took a breath of the clear night air and then stepped out of the bushes.
"You officially killed Jisung from world 3 now." a person said. The voice was comming from the small pond behind the castle. Jeongin was sitting there feeding two fish, just like when I first met him. When I stepped closer he looked up and the animals disappeared. "It is better to have only one body anyway..." I told him but he just laughed at me. "Everyone is gonna think you're dead now Jisung... how are you going to approach them again? They'll think you are a ghost or something" the pink haired boy asked and I began to think.

Suddenly an idea crossed my mind.
If my view of Minho was accurate then he wouldn't tell the others that the attack was planned by his mother.
The woman was still the woman who kinda raised him after all.
He also couldn't tell anyone the fact that he knows the people behind the attack because then he'd be punshed or even killed. Would he pretend to help his mother but secretly protect the palace, would he still be his mothers underling or would he completely leave his past behind him?
I had to find that out and help him... otherwise the palace will be in danger.
I smiled at the boy and answered "I'm gonna join the group that is under Minho's mum's controll"
"What?! Really?! Thats gonna be interesting..." Jeongin said and before I could do anything he suddenly disappeared to nothing in front of my eyes.
Although that boy had to be hundreds of years old, he still behaved like a child sometimes.

In this night I decided to sleep in an empty stall that was right next to the stall for the horses. Nobody ever went in there so I thought I'd be save... and gladly no one found me until next moring.
I was woken up by a familiar voice that I heard outside in the entrance yard. "Chan... you can't change what happend so please, please stop saying that it is your fault..." It was Hyunjins voice.
Through a window I looked outside and saw Prince Hyunjin, Prince Chan and Lady Lisa that was running in their direction from the palace. Before Chan who had dark rings under his eyes could answer to his brother Lady Lisa had caught up to them. Traces of tears were visible on her face. "My princes, your brothers Wonpil and Seungmin, Changbin, Felix and Sophie are burrying him behind the palace. I think you should join them. The death of Jisung is a shock for all of us but he died protecting the crown prince and we need to honor that."
Both of the princes started crying and it seemed like it wasn't the first time since yesterday evening.
I wanted to step out of the stall, tell them that I was still alive and end their suffering but I first had to stop another murder from happening.

In Lady Lisas eyes there were tears building too and she wrapped her arms around both Chan and Hyunjin to give them a hug.
Chans quiet sobs were sounding through the cold air of this morning. "If I had been nicer to him, if I had protected him better... he would have never left us and gave his life without reason... Wonpil was expecting an attack and had on armor under his clothes... Jisung died for nothing and it is my fault. You know,... s- sometimes I have the feeling that h- he is not gone... that he is still here. Everything seems so unreal."
the blond haired prince whispered and sobbed.
"His death wasn't for nothing, he wanted to protect Prince Wonpil... and it is not your fault. It's the fault of this group of robbers. We're gonna find their leader and take revenge, I swear it." Lady Lisa said and I knew she meant what she said.
Then Hyunjin spoke up. "Y- you said that everyone of our friends is there to burry him but what about Minho?"
The blond haired woman took a step back, a sad expression on her face.
"He ran away yesterday evening and didn't come back until now... maybe he's gonna leave for a longer time again... Jisungs death did something to him." she signed.
"I was sure he had changed since Jisung got here... I thought maybe he'd stay but it doesn't matter now. Lets go." Hyunjin said and took Chans hand to follow Lady Lisa.
So Minho was alread gone? But how would I find the criminals without him!
Suddenly I heard a noise from the horse stall next to me. A few seconds later a tall black horse ridden by Prince Minho stepped out of the gate.
I could only see his face for a second but what I saw let my heart break.
He didn't wear his mask, his eyes were swollen and on his cheek there was a scratch that was bleeding. How did that happen? Did he spent the night outside?
Without hesitating I ran to the brown horse called choco on which I learned riding the last few weeks thanks to Seungmin. With full speed I followed prince Minho but always kept a little distance.

I thought he'd bring me to his mother but after 10 minutes of riding through the forest he suddenly stopped at the edge of a high cliff.
I stopped and jumped down from my horse just like he did and climbed on one of the near trees. The view was beatiful. Under the cliff there was the river flowing through the vallay. The rising sun reflected on the water and a cold breeze made the princes hair hair cover his eyes. He stood at the edge and looked at the sun. All of a sudden he let out a loud scream followed by loud yelling. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME ALONE JISUNG? WHY?! WHY DIDN'T I SEARCH IN THE WESTERN ROOM? WHY COULDN'T I SAVE YOU?!" Then his voice broke and his head fell low "... it is my fault, how could I have been so dumb to listen to my mother. Why didn't I accept that she is a crazy woman that wants revenge on her loved one...?" He took another step forward and the tips of his feet weren't on the ground anymore. "Should I go back to her? Try to save my brothers? No... they can protect themselves on their own. They don't need me. Nobody needs me. Jisung was the first person that made me feel like at least one person on this earth loves me... but now he is dead... because I wasn't there when he needed me."
I wanted to tell him how much I loved him and that I'd forgive him for everything he had done but I couldn't... if he knew I was alive he wouldn't turn his back on his mother but he needed to realise what was right and what not. My "death" was a lecture for him.
"Maybe it is better if I'm not here anymore... I only make peoples lives worse."
Before I could react he suddenly took a step forward. A step in nothing but air. His body leaned over the edge, he was about to fall!
I screamed
but it was to late.

Sorry about this... I love y'all

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