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It was already dark when Minho and I made our way to the kings hall where everyone would eat and drink.
I put on the same outfit as Minho but my shirt was green and there weren't any jewels decorating my clothing.
On our way we met Seungmin and Felix who both were dressed how it should look like in this century, long robes colored blue and pur pur.
When Felix saw us his eyes widened.
"Wow! You two look so different!" he said and Seungmin smiled in appreciation. "I have to admit that this really looks good on you, brother."
"I know" The 3rd prince answered and wrapped his arm around Seungmin to continue walking together. Felix did the same with me and soon we arrived at the kings hall.

About 50 people, men and women, princes, princesses, royals and high officers were talking, laughing, eating, drinking and having fun. It was very noisy so I just followed Felix through the crowd until we met Changbin and Jeongin who were both belting down a bottle of whatever alcohol this was.
"How the hell did Mr. Time Spirit get in here?" Felix asked. "Teleportation *hic*" the boy answered and opened another bottle. "You shouldn't drink to much Jeongin" Wonpil laughed. The 1st prince didn't seem sober himself.
"It *hic* won't have any bad consequences *hic* on me, because *hic* I'm not a human." The pink haired boy answered with a grin on his face and dissapeared in the crowd followed by Wonpil because I asked him to keep an eye on Jeongin.

Now Changbin had finished his bottle too and noticed me and Felix next to him. "Ohhh *hic* Feliiiix" he mumbled and a wide smile formed on his face that was a little red because of the alcohol. Then he suddenly stumbled but Felix managed to catch him before he fell. When the blond haired guard helped his friend up Changbin suddenly jumped on him and gave him a tight hug while kissing his cheek.... well that escalated quickly.
Felix's face got bright red and he didn't move for a few seconds.
"I think I love you Hahaha" Changbin nuzzled in his neck and Felix got a hold of himself and pushed the drunken boy off of him.
But not even a second later Hyunjin jumped on Changbin's back from behind also kissing the poor boy on the cheek. Where the hell did Hyunjin even come from?
"He's mine, Felix. You can't have him!" the prince hissed at him but the strange thing was that I couldn't say if he was drunk or almost completely sober.
Felix just stared at them expressionlessly and told me to give him the bottle that was standing on a table near us. As soon as I handed it to him he started drinking until it was empty and pushed Hyunjin away from Changbin. "Search for someone else!" he yelled and I sighed.
Alcohol really ruined people... but it was fun to watch so I didn't care.

In the crowd I found Prince Chan and Jae and decided to join them for now because they were almost the only ones that weren't completely drunk.
"Oh hey Jisung!" Chan greeted and offered me some kind of cookie that I gladly took. "Did you notice that everyone is staring at Minhos outfit? I think they really like it." Jae added and I felt selfconfident in that moment. "I'm glad they do." I said and smiled at them. Chan put his hand on the side of my face and gave me a lovingly look. "Of course you look beautiful in those clothes too." he whispered but Jae immediatly pulled him away.
"I'm sorry for his weird behaviour. He already drank to much."
"It's alright, I don't really care" I assured him and it was the truth.
Chan was one of the first friends I made here and getting a compliment from him made me happy.

Suddenly I made eye contact with a person far away in the room. I just wanted to search the crowd for Minho but instead I was captured in another's eyes. Wait... was that who I thought it was?
The king!? Infront of him there was another old man and he smiled at him but his eyes were on me...
"Whats there?" Jae asked and turned around but the king had already looked in another direction.
"Nothing" I replied."I just looked though the crowd..."
"Ey! Jae!" Chan shouted and tried to punsh him but the guard held his wristes and smiled at the drunken Prince. "Keep it together Prince." he said and let go of him.

"Anything to eat?" a womans voice sounded from behind me and when I turned around Lady Lisa was standing right in front of us with some more cookies and other sweets.
"Please tell me you're sober." I begged and she started laughing. "Of course I am. I don't drink... but Sophie and Felix do so I always have to keep an eye on them."
"Oh hey Lisa!" Jae greeted when he noticed she was standing there and took a few steps closer. "You look beautiful in that dress." he added and I saw a little blush on her cheeks. "Thank you" she said "You also look beautiful as always".
Alright... I'd better go and search for Minho before I ended up third wheeling.

But after 5 minutes I still hadn't found him so I thought he might be outside. Quietly I exited the large room and was now in the hallway... but there was nobody. I stopped walking for a second and turned around to see if there really wasn't anyone.

Suddenly someone pulled me into a room near the hall and when I looked for the said person I saw an old Lady infront of me. But it wasn't any old woman... it was the homeless woman from world 6 that coincidently also lives in this world.
"What do you want from me?" I asked trying to sound welcomming but she still eyed me suspiciosly.
"Who are you?" She asked and I didn't know what she meant so I just said the truth "I'm Han Jisung"
"Nonono how are you really? You're from another world... you are an alien!" her voice was aggressive and I started to feel uncomfortable. "I'm sorry... I'm not an alien. I'm from planet earth." I tried to explain but she took a step closer and whispered with a threatening voice. "When I walked around in the castle yesterday I heard you and the princes... you said you were from another world and talked about strange things that don't exist here!"
Shit, this was serious. I didn't know how much she heard... but nobody would believe her anyways, would they?
"Can you prove it?" I provoked her with a smile. But that was a mistake.

In the next moment 3 things happend at the same time. The old Lady suddenly took out a knife and tried to stab me and in the same moment Minho opened the door a shocked expression on his face.
But before the knife touched me everything was suddenly frozen.

Did I just stop the time again?

"Wow *hic* you did it again *hic*" Jeongin giggled next to me and I quickly stepped away from the crazy woman.
"Jeongin, fuck of. You're too drunken to help me in any way right now." I told him and with a last laugh the pink haired boy dissapeared.
Keep it calm Jisung... be thankful that you didn't die...

I wrapped my arms around Minho and pulled him out of the room. Thanks to the stopped time his weight was almost nothing so it was really easy.
Unsure where to go I decided to just bring him back to the hall but in a corner where no one was standing so we had a bit privacy. Then I let go of him and and tried to focus on the wine that one of the guests was pouring into his glass and another person that was about to stumble and fall. "Move" I thought and all of a sudden the many noises of the people where there again.
"Jisung?!" I heard Minho screaming and because there was no door that he could open anymore he fell on the ground but immediatly got up again. "What the hell?" he panicked and turned around to look where he was. "Minho, I told you not to drink so much!" I told him and he grabbed my arm like he didn't believe I was real. "B- but a moment ago w- we were in another room a- and there was a- a woman" he stuttered and I fake laughed at him. "The alcohol makes you imagine things, Minho... we've been here for at least 10 minutes now."
I didn't exactly know why I kept my strange ability of stopping time from him but I wasn't sure what he'll think of me then. It could be very dangerous if the wrong people discovered what I could do so it'd be better to not tell him at a place like this.
Minho looked at me in disbelieve "I- I didn't even drink that much! This happend before! When I suddenly sat next to a tree although I had just jumped down a cliff!"

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