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"Stop talking nonsense" I said but before he could answer I already walked away, out of the hall, out of the palace.
I needed fresh air right now.

The air was clear and all the beautiful stars and the moon were shining on the dark night sky. Normally I wasn't the kind of person that would just run away if they didn't knew a way out of a situation but the whole situation, the noise and the disgusting smell of alcohol and sweets everywhere gave me a headache.

After a few minutes I stopped at the rocks of the river and sat down on the largest one. The sound of the water was calming me and I closed my eyes to relax. It was peaceful here. Exactly what I needed... but that didn't last for long because suddenly there was a quiet noise like someone was stepping on leaves. Quickly I turned around and saw a black haired figure jumping behind one of the bushes. Who the hell was that? "Hey! I saw you so show your face!" I shouted but the person didnt move. "Alright then I'm coming!" but as soon as I jumped down from the rock the person suddenly came out of her hide out.
Wait... she looked familiar...  Was that Minhos mother?! Of course, nobody had such purple shining eyes. Was she still running away from the royal guard or was she here to plan something? In her face I saw hatered. "I thought my general had betrayed me but it turned out that you are a just a little lier... I really want to kill you but that wouldn't be useful." she said taking a step closer. I didn't move but gave her an expressionless look. "What do you want from me then?" I asked coldly.
"I'm here to talk. I know killing the princes is not right but it is because of the king. He has more secrets than you think."
"And why would you want to tell me of all persons about that?"
With a sad smile she sat down and gave me a sign to sit down too but I didn't move. She sighed and said "Your mother... she was a great friend of mine... when I realized who you really are I saw it in your face that you're her son. Thats the reason why I think you'll understand me best of everyone in the castle. I've been searching for you but couldn't get near the king so I waited till you'd come out of the palace"

Unfortunately I never knew Han Jisungs mother on this earth and although I didn't trust the black haired woman yet I decided to sit down and listen to what she had to say. "Alright... I'll listen to you." I told her and nodded. It was worth to hear what she had to say.
"Me and your mother. We both grew up near the palace in the house of her father. She had a higher rank than me but we still were best friends. Then she met your father, a fine young man from the royal soldiers and soon later they married. At the same time I met the king but it was in the small town near the palace and I always thought he was a normal citicen. Soon we fell in love and met every week in the forest. But then... one night your mother told me who he really was when she found out we were in love. I couldn't believe what she was saying because the king was known to be a cruel man that didn't care about his people and lets them pay way too much taxes. At that time I didn't want to believe the truth so I followed my lover.
I followed him until we arrived at the palace but still... I didn't believe that he'd lie to me.
He suddenly noticed that I was behind him and caught me when I tried to run away. He excused himself many times and I ended up being a royal concubine. The life wasn't bad but from time to time I started realizing that the king didn't love me anymore. He loved no one... not even his queen.
Then Minho was born but
in that night I accidently was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
And that is the important thing you need to know."
Her eyes were serious and full of fear when she continued telling her story.

"Under the castle there is a large room were people are tortured and experimented on. Listen, Jisung... the king is part of a sect that believes in demons and creatures from other planets but I don't know what exactly they were planing to do with these people they are being so cruel to. I found the said room by accident and back then I couldn't hold back a scream.
Of course he saw me and I ran away once again. Your patents-"
"Jisung!" I heard a scream and suddenly Chan jumped out of the bushes ready to rip the womans head of with his shining sword.


Time was frozen.

What did my parents do?! I knew that they died in this world too but maybe she knew why. And the king? Was he really a psychopath that tortured his own men?!
Chan had ruined it all but I couldn't just carry him away and hide because he was still my friend and just as Minho he'd start to ask questions.
What I did instead was pushing him into a sitting position and taking his sword from him. Sorry Chan but you won't kill that woman... its not like I empathized with her that much but she knew some things that I had interest in.

Then I sat down myself between Minho's mother and Chan and let time go on again. As expected both Chan and her were confused at first but he was still drunk so the Prince wouldn't think to much about it... hopefully. "Jisung! Why is that woman with you?! She is dangerous! We must kill her." The prince demanded and wanted to stand up again but when I tried to stop him I realized that the woman was already gone. Probably the risk of being killed by Chan was too high for her. "She's already gone, Chan. You won't catch up with her." I told him and he sat down again with an angry sigh. "No..." he started "A *hic* person in the village saw her so I went searching in the forest with about 50 of our men. She *hic* won't come far."
"No Chan! You can't kill her. She knows how my parents died and she also told me something about the king." I tried to say but Chan got up and looked me in the eye. "That *hic* woman is a lier. *hic* The king ordered to kill her. So we kill her." he coldly said and I couldn't understand why he behaved like that. "You don't even know the king!" I shouted but Chan just shrugged. "The only people I need to know are my friends and brothers. And as long as she is free they are in danger."
"That might be right but killing her goes to far!" I shouted and ran in direction of the palace.
If they really captured her I had to make sure that she wasn't killed.

She didn't deserve to be killed. I still needed her!

It's so hard to not sleep in math class... like seriously even the smart kid in front of me plays video games on his phone during class and the teacher never pays attention to me or him so I could just do nothing and nobody would care

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