9☆33☆ The final chapter ☆33☆

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This night I didn't sleep well. The fact that we still neither managed to contact Jeongin nor succeeded in traveling back to earth 3 made me worry very much. I had the feeling that something was wrong. Why wouldn't Jeongin talk to me anymore?

"That Mingi guy, I don't like him"
Minho said while eating his croissant filled with peach-jam.
It way 10 o'clock in the moring and we were having breakfast in the living room.
"Why? He's just a normal guy."
I answered with my mind somewhere else while taking a sip of my coffee.
"Thats not what I mean... something about him is fake. I can sense that. He's suspicious."
"Yeah whatever"
We continued talking about how to get back to world 3 and Minho got more worried and worried because of the king. He needed to be stopped or the whole kingdom would continue to suffer under his careless and crazy way of reign.

Suddenly I heard a quiete noise... it sounded like someone shouted my name. "Did you hea-"
Out of nothing Jeongin had suddenly appeared right infront of us.
His hands and clothes were full of blood and his expression was frightened. Traces of tears were visible on his cheeks.
"Jeongin!" Both Minho and me screamed in surprise and shock while jumping up.
"No time for greeting." the pink haired boy panicked.
"They found out about you, Jisung! They found out about our friends!"
"Who are you talking about?!" Minho asked and grabbed the boys shoulder who immediatly took a step back and pushed him of.
"The others... the council. They can't kill you, Jisung but they- they killed-"
Suddenly a black hole opened up behind Jeongin and 6 thin and greenly disgusting looking hands grabbed the panicked boy.
"Jeongin NO!" I yelled and tried to get him out of there but it was no use. The hands had almost pulled him into the darkness.
Then the door to my appartement opened with an aggressive swing. It was Mingi but his eyes were glowing in a dark green colour.
"NO!" Jeongin screemed. "DON'T KILL HIM!"
Mingi ignored the boy and made his way to Minho to pushed him on the floor.
"MINGI STOP!" I screamed and kicked him in the stomach... he showed no reaction and pulled out a shimmering knife.
Jeongin was almost swallowed by the darkness but he managed to reach out his arm and a green fire ball shot in Minho's direction hitting his blue eye that immediatly started glowing and burning like hell.
Mingi growled and with an aggressive kick he pushed Jeongin in the darkness and followed him there. The hole immediatly dissapeared along with the two males and a wave of panic overwhelmed my body.

But it didn't end here. Minho was laying on the ground, shaking and screaming while holding his right eye.
"Minho!" I sat down next to him and grabbed his hand. "Look at me! Please! Stop screaming!" I tried to calm him but his pain was only getting worse. His right eye was still glowing and suddenly mine did too. What the hell?!
A green light surrounded both of us and we flew in the endless universe of emerald green lights.
Minho's screams had stopped and he slowly took his hand away from his face.
"Jisung, what-"


Both of us collided with the cold stone floor in the inner yard of the palace.
It was already afternoon but the whole place was wrapped in dense fog.
Minho was the first one to get up and helped me stand up myself.
"We're back! But how?" he asked in confusion but I didn't pay attention to his words.
"M- Minho. Th- th- there"
A silver haired person was lying on the floor right infront of us. A deep cut was on his back and a pool of blood colored the stobe under his corpse red.
Carefully Minho turned his body around only to stare into the dead eyes of...
"F- felix. n- no" Minhos voice broke and the panic made his way through his body. He shook the boy, many times and put his head on the guard's chest to see if his heart was still beating... but it wasn't.
"NO! NO FELIX! WAKE UP!" His yells filled the air bit they sounded dull in my mind when I looked around of us.
Right next to Felix there was another corpse... and another and another.
It was Seungmin holding onto Hyunjins hand both stabbed through the heart and right next to them was Brian... bis head separates from his body.
"NOOOO" Minho continued screaming and shook Hyunjin's dead body. Nothing happend. Nobody answered.
He took the princes face in his hand. "WHY?!"
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. And I felt something deep inside of me falling apart... breaking... in thousand little pieces that pierced my body from inside.
Then my gaze fell on Jae. His body was pinned to the wooden stall with a spear and the same spear also pierced Lady Lisa behind him. He died protecting her but it had been no use... no use... no future... death... dying?
At last I spot Sophie and Wonpil, both with a sword in their hand but sliced open chests. They tried fighting... but they lost. There was no use in fighting.
Minho's shouting and crying was so dull that I didn't even hear him anymore. I picked up a bloodied sword from the floor and pointed the blade to my chest.
"It is all my fault... if I'd never have come here then... everyone would be alive. I- I don't deserve to live. The only purpose I have is making people kill themselves or being killed..."

"J- Jisung *cough*"
I hadn't noticed him before. Prince Chan. It was his sword that I had picked up and his heavily injured body was on the floor right next to me.
In shock I dropped the sword and kneed down to his side.
"CHAN! Don't worry! We can fix that! You won't die, I swear I-"
"N- no *cough* J- Jeongin... th- they said t- they c- can't and won't k- kill him. He is *cough* s- still *cough* ali-"
His eyes rolled back and his coughs stopped.
I shook him and shook him even more but nothing happend.

"There are the murderes! Kill them!"
It was the kings voice and I started panicning even more. They wouldn't take Minho from me too.

I grabbed the shaking boys arm and together we ran.
Ran away from all the death and cruelty.
Ran away from this world.
Ran to search for him. Search for Jeongin.

And once again the shining emerald green light surrounded us.

The council of time spirits:
"We arrested the trouble maker and took care of the invovled people to be eliminated"
"But what about those half-spirits?! I heared there are two of them now!"
"They got away but currently we are searching for them. Because we are not allowed to kill someone of our own kind, even if its just half, it is difficult to catch them. Especially because we have no data of their location."
"I understand... but we must stop them from spreading our secret at any cost and every human that interferes with them too much has to be eliminated as usual. They are a danger to our kind. We either need to lock them away like Jeongin or bring them under our controll."

3 years later, earth 4 (second part: teaser)

"Felix! Wake up! Today is Chan's birthday."
"Fuck of Hyunjin! Let me sleep!"


Back // minsung has come to an end but the story will continue with Key // changlix, the upcoming second part of this story so be prepared for even more complicated story lines. (Sadly this is the only one of my books that I never finished... I'm sorry :(...)

💗❤💜💙A big hug and thanks to everyone who read this story till the end. I really really appreciate that. 💙💜❤💗

Soooooo until the next book gets published you can only imagine what's gonna happen to Minsung, Jeongin, Mingi, ...  and if new characters might be showing up.


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𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 / 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now