"You want one of them."

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Ashton, 2013.

As Rae left, I actually felt my heart drop. What the fuck? How did she make it do that? That had never, not once, ever happened before. My brows furrowed in confusion as I tried to make sense of what was going on inside of my chest. Looking up a few moments after she had left, I looked over at Mikey and Jayden and just groaned. There was already a palpable aura around the two, and they had already connected. Sometimes I resented Mikey for that, but then I remembered that he was him. And everybody liked him. Except maybe the nurses at meal times. And I was me. I’d been here since I was fifteen. And what a wonderful four years it had been. Yeah. Four years. My parents putting me in here for ‘a lack of empathy, and self destructive behaviour’.

Shaking my head I stood, motioning to the couple (let’s be honest, they might as well have already been together) that I was heading off too. As I padded barefoot toward my room I frowned. Two girls had come into our lives and suddenly Mikey had somebody that wasn’t one of us boys. This probably wasn’t going to end well for anybody. If he and the girl ended up hooking up, he’d end up regretting it. And if they got together and then broke up... Gods that was going to be even worse. Mikey would most likely revert to how he had been the day he arrived at this damn hell hole. All nervous and jittery and scared of fucking everything. I swear I saw him flinch when somebody turned the TV channel a couple weeks in.

Hearing the familiar sound of a wall being smacked in the room next to mine, I sighed. Waiting outside the door for him to stop, I thought about the tall blonde boy within, and how it must suck to be him. He had been put in this hell hole due to an inoperable brain tumour. This was pressing against the part of his brain that made him aggressive, and due to this, he snapped easily. And when he snapped, you didn’t want to be anywhere near him. Unless you were Margot. The tiny blonde from down the hall. Her and Luke had been close since she had arrived, which made things a tiny bit awkward for the rest of us when they were discussing their childhoods.

Finally the pounding from inside the room halted. I waited a good two minutes before just walking into the room, knowing that he’d now snapped back to normal. He was like a rubber band. A fragile, yet exceedingly dangerous rubber band with excellent hair. I let out a soft chuckle at my thoughts as I sat myself down on the end of his bed.

“There are two new girls. Depression. Both of them.”  I mentioned quietly to him as he threw his shirt haphazardly away from him and into his laundry basket.

“Let me guess,” the ridiculously deep voice of one of my closest friends, Mr. Luke Hemmings came. “You want one of them.” He rose a brow at me as he towelled himself off, his voice still slightly agitated.

“You’d understand if you saw her.” I just shrugged, drumming my hands on the frame of his bed between my legs. “She pulled off a hoody and sweats perfectly.” I whispered out. If she could pull off such terrible clothes so well, I could only imagine how she would pull off anything tight. After that, Luke and I spoke for about four hours before I decided it was probably best to actually go to sleep now.

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