Like maybe Satan.

16 1 0

Rae, 2013

Alright so who the hell did he think he was? Just coming over and joining us like had hadn’t been so fucking rude earlier? I glared at him as Mikey spoke, my ears listening intently, but my eyes never leaving the curly haired males face.

“OH! Guys this is Ashton. And this is Jayden and...” Mikey grinned from us then to Ashton, hesitating as he forgot my name.

“Rae.” I frowned, clearly I wasn’t as impressive as Jayden but come on, it’d only been a couple hours since we met. How did he forget my name so quickly? Oh wait, that’s right. It was because Jayden was tiny, beautiful, and a fucking sweetheart. Whereas I was short, uninteresting and plain. I just pulled my knees closer to my chest as I finally averted my glare from Ashton. Sunshine had a name now. Huh. I thought it was gonna be something much worse. Like maybe Satan.

“Pleasure to meet you Rae.” Came the soft as silk voice Ashton possessed. Nope. This wasn’t fair. I didn’t like him. Yet his voice was so enticing, he was like a snake charmer and I was the snake. I shook my head slightly as I felt the feeling start to make my spine tingle.

“You weren’t saying that before sunshine.” I growled, my cheeks heating up as I glared up into his stupid beautiful eyes. I saw his smile fade swiftly, his eyes searching mine for a moment before he turned his attention to Jayden. Of course. As any other straight male would do in his situation, he had locked onto the prettiest female. This Ashton seemed like an Alpha male. And as hot as that was to me, I could never forget the way he spoke to me for the first time. The venom and hatred in his words burning through me like acid.

“So, Jayden, where are you from?” He asked her, seeming much more interested in her now, though his voice didn’t know quite what to do with itself, I noticed. I shook my head to make this feeling go away and unfurled my legs, standing up and stretching. My intentions were to head to bed, and avoid this guy for as long as I could.

“I’m gonna head to bed Jay, Mikey.” I stated softly, rubbing my eyes to accent the illusion that I was tired. Jay simply nodded and shot me her trademark grin, and Mikey stood and gave me a quick, yet firm hug. Ashton on the other hand just sat there, a look of perplexion upon his face. Like he knew I was lieing, but wasn’t too sure why. Giving them all a soft wave, I headed back to my room, and flopped onto my bed as a head peered around the door. Then a rather... rotund lady came into my room, smiling and asking how my first day had been. After telling her about meeting Mikey, she smiled, nodding. However, the second Ashton’s name came up, she frowned and her whole demeanour changed.

“Oh, honey. I’m glad Michael’s making new friends. But Ashton. Be careful of him, dear. He’s trouble.” The rotund nurse nodded, and simply stood and left, leaving me to ponder her words.

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