"Well, aren't you just a ray of fucking sunshine."

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Rae, 2013.

“Are you fucking kidding me Jay?” I raised a brow at my best friend, Jayden Jacaruso with an incredulous look in my eyes. This place looked more like a fucking asylum than a rehab facility. A few weeks ago, I had tried to kill myself. And so when I was finally fit enough to be let out of the hospital, Jayden had decided that we both should finally get the treatment we both needed. Both of us suffered from depression, suicidal tendencies and self harm. The scars littering our bodies were many, and yet, we both loved each other even more for our flaws. We knew nobody was perfect, and nobody could ever be more perfect for us than each other. “This place is like... An asylum...” My thoughts came out, my voice slightly wavering as I studied the large building. At age twenty, we both knew that Jayden couldn’t force me to stay here, but we also both knew that we needed this. As I continued to stare up at the building, I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Without realising it, I had begun to follow Jay into the lobby, rubbing my arms. This place was surprisingly cold. And I had, of course, forgotten to wear a sweater. Walking up to the desk, Jayden did all the talking, and after we had filled out some paperwork, and spoken to the manager of the facility we were escorted to our rooms. Despite practically being sisters and wanting to share a room, we were refused. Even if there had been a double room, we weren’t going to get it. Apparently we may have triggered each other into our “bad actions” as the manager put it. Gods the man was a tool.

Reluctantly, Jayden disappeared into her room at the same time that I did. We had both brought some clothes and a couple of things to make the place seem more like home.  For me, that was simply my guitar. There was no way in hell I could’ve fit my piano into my suitcase. Unfortunately. Changing from my shorts and tank top I immediately donned my warmest sweatpants and an oversized hoody, twisting my long red hair into a thick braid down one side of my body. Slipping on my pair of fake ugg boots, I frowned softly. This place was going to be hell if it was this cold all the time. I hated the cold, with a passion. After sorting out my things into the relevant drawers, I padded out of my room to find Jayden. As I peeked into her room, my frown only deepened when I didn’t see her. Not paying attention as I turned around to explore, I collided with a rather solid and tall man. His curly light brown hair bounced only slightly as I collided into him and his hands grabbed my elbows in an attempt to steady me before I toppled completely over.

“Oh gods! Oh gods! I’m so sorry!” I gushed, ignoring the electric shocks now running from my elbows outwards. “I was just looking for...”

“Quiet. Be careful where you’re going.” The man cut me off, his tone dripping with venom as he looked down at me. He released his grip on my elbows and stepped around me, continuing on his way down the hall.

“Well, aren’t you just a ray of fucking sunshine.” I glared at the man’s back. Though may I say, it was a damn attractive back. Grumbling under my breath about how rude people could be, I went back to trying to find my way to what I had been told was the ‘common room’ type of area, where all the residents could sit and chat, watch the TV, or read a book. As I rounded a corner, I collided yet again with something solid and tall. This time, however, I didn’t have the luck of it being a person. Nope. This time it was a door. Clutching my face in my hands I cursed loudly, a bright haired male emerging from behind the door, his eyes wide.

“Fuck, did I just... Oh god I’m so sorry!” He whimpered, looking from me to the door.

“It’s cool mate. Just. Don’t do it again, yeah?” I released my face from my fingers, after assessing the damage to be little to none. “I’m Rae.”

“Hi Rae. I’m Michael.” The male smiled sheepishly, his oversized long sleeve shirt covering his now outstretched hand. Well now, I didn’t want to be rude, so naturally I shook his hand firmly. This is when Jayden decided to appear. Out of nowhere as per usual.

A few hours later, I had introduced Michael to Jayden, and they were getting along swimmingly. I sat on the chair next to the sofa they had claimed as they chatted in the common room, my knees up to my chest as I hugged them, watching the rest of the room. That’s when I noticed him.

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