Just his luck huh?

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The way Jayden and Rae looked for the next few days was...Well to be perfectly honest he had no idea. They apparently came out at meal times though. Just his luck huh? The one time he needed to be on his own is the one time he wanted to be with them. To see they were alright. To see that that weren’t now wary of himself and Ashton.

Ashton. Speaking of Ashton, he was nowhere in sight either throughout the first day. But a few hours into it, he and Calum had found him propped up against the gap in between the girls’ doors. Knowing full well he had no qualms protecting Rae over Jayden made Mikey sad. That first night the girls had arrived was one of the best he’d had whilst in this god forsaken place.

The girl of his dreams was in the room to his right, refusing to let anybody except nurses and the new manager in there. When he’d been told this by Ashton, he had tensed, every tiny muscle on his bones wanting to reach out and strangle the much bigger male. Well. Until of course he began to assure Mikey that the new manager was a female, and helping her through what had happened.

Helping her through what had happened? She wasn’t the one that had almost been raped. Mikey and Ash had barged in well before that had almost happened to her. Instead it was the other. The redhead that Ash was now so protective of. He barely left the gap between their doors except for a few minutes before meal times. He did this so that when the girls eventually began to leave for meals, he wasn’t sat outside their rooms, all huge and intimidating and a reminder of that night.

Mikey found this rather... Inspired of Ash. Even if there was something clearly going on that he and none of the other boys knew about, and they weren’t best impressed. Calum had whined on and on about how all she was gonna do was break Ashton’s heart. ‘If he even has one.’ All three of them chuckled at Cal’s comments, Luke’s chuckle more subtle and reserved as he sat at the corner of the table, chatting to Margot in hushed tones.

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