He had only been at Rosefort for four months.

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Calum, 2013.

Lately the nightmares had been getting worse and worse. This one had been, as usual, about the boys. This time he had been forced to line them all up against the wall. Then he had been told to decide in which order they were to die. The first was Luke, and Calum had justified this by explaining that Luke’s tumour was going to kill him one day anyways. So why prolong the process?

Mikey was the next to go. Simply because after Luke, he had began to cry. Calum thoroughly hated it when people cried in front of him. Calum would claim in therapy the next day, however, that it was so that he didn’t prolong Mikey’s anguish.

Ashton was last. The boy had no emotions and had never feared death. Unlike Luke and Mikey, when it was his turn to die, he simply looked into Calum’s eyes for a moment before sliding his lids shut and giving a small nod. Just as Ashton’s brains were splattered against the wall, Calum awoke screaming, tears running down his face like tiny rivers.

He was cold and clammy and needed to see the boys. He needed to know they were ok. So, he clambered from his bed and began to search the halls, thinking about the nightmare. Sometimes the nightmares were just nightmares, but sometimes they were real. Due to this, Calum had always had trouble differentiating between what was real and what wasn’t. As a child, he had used his imagination as a form of escape from his abusive father.

He had imagined a world in which his father cared. A world in which he wasn’t covered in cuts, bruises and scars. A particular favourite of Calum’s had been the world where a kind lady came and took him away from his father and to a family with a nice father that didn’t get out his fists whenever Calum made the slightest mistake.

A few months ago, Calum’s girlfriend had broken it off with him, causing him to finally spiral into his nervous breakdown. He had been discovered, drunk and naked in the middle of the town centre, ranting about how women were the work of the devil. Needless to say, Calum had been arrested, but it was decided that rehab was the best option for him. Along with rigorous therapy sessions.

He had only been at Rosefort for four months. Mikey had been in since his sixteenth birthday, so two years now. Luke had been in since two days after his sixteenth birthday too, but had only been there for a year.

Ashton had been there the longest. Four years. He was checked in at age fifteen and his nineteenth birthday was mere days away. As he found Ash asleep against the wall he simply sighed, heading instead to Mikey's room.

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