You could see the change in his face.

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Slightly bored, he wandered the halls, looking for something to do. He had been wandering the halls for about four hours before he realised that he was in fact stood right in front of Rae’s door. So, as had become routine for him now, he sat between the two room’s doors, his hands tapping out a beat on the floorboards between his legs.

Mere moments later, he heard shuffling in the room. Well, it was nice to know she still moved about outside of meal times. He had feared for a while now that the thing with that dickhead had plunged her deeper into her depression, a frown now permanently etched upon his face, and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by anybody. Residents and staff alike.

Three days before, the boys and Jayden had finally been allowed to play some music again, due to good behaviour and improvement. Calum was becoming more balanced and relaxed, Luke hadn’t had an outburst in a few days, and Mikey had actually put on a little weight. He had began to eat tiny bit after tiny bit more at every meal. Ashton had noted that this was less likely due to his own thoughts of himself, but due to what he believed Jayden thought of him. You could see the change in his face. His cheekbones less prominent already.

Ashton’s now permanent frown faded into a smile for just a moment as he watched Mikey and Jayden messing with each other. Mikey pulling funny faces at her as he tuned his guitar, and Jayden staring at him admiringly as she placed a soft kiss to his cheek. Causing Mikey to blush redder than Rae’s hair. Which was pretty damn red.

Luke and Calum were the first to notice that he was not his usual self around them anymore, preoccupied with other thoughts.

“Ash. Earth to Ashton? Are you there bud?” Came Luke’s surprisingly deep voice, his hand waving in front of Ashton’s face. “What the hell is wrong with you lately. Usually you’d be buzzing to play...” His eyes flitting from Ash to his Cajon and back up again.

“Worried.” Ashton simply shrugged at Luke’s question, stating a simple word that not one of the boys had ever heard him say before. "Now can we get on with this? What are we going with?" Ashton rose a brow, glancing around the room at the worried faces now staring at him.

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