"Momma, papa. I want to know the real story"

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Standing on my best friend’s porch, I grinned widely as the man next to me wrapped a large, muscular arm around my waist, pulling my petite body closer to his side as his free hand knocked on the door loudly. Suddenly we could hear a few muffled yells, one of which I was certain was my best friend’s son shouting something about neon pink hair. I glanced up at the male next to me, slightly confused as to what I had just heard. He just raised a brow as he looked back at me, confirming I had not been hearing things. "Clifford." We both whispered at the same time, shaking our heads.

I had been best friends with Jayden Gloria Clifford since we were roughly twelve years old. Now, I’m not giving away our age here, but let’s just say, I personally, have a fifteen year old daughter, Mikayla Jayden and an eight year old son, Lucas James. Jayden has a sixteen year old son named Ryan Lucas and a six year old daughter, Hanna Rae. Yes. We really were that close we named our kids after each other. A sign of respect due to the fact we kept each other alive for a good six years before... Well. We’ll get to that.

Hearing another yell of “WELL IF YOU DON’T WANT MIKAYLA TO SEE YOU WITH NEON PINK HAIR PUT A FRICKIN HAT ON!” Ah, the unmistakable yell of Mr. Michael Clifford, my lovely husbands best friend. At this, I heard Mikayla giggling the same unmistakable giggle both her and her brother had. Simply rolling my eyes, I had gotten used to the fact that our children were dating each other. To be honest, the second we all found out I was having a girl, we immediately started to ship it.

A few moments later the door was swung wide open and I was greeted by one of the tallest, most ridiculous men I knew, Michael Clifford. And when I say greeted. I meant he practically knocked me over with how quickly he ran at me and pulled me into a hug. After so many years, I was still not used to his wonderful greetings. Carrying me inside, he laughed softly and my husband was clearly unimpressed.

“Mate, come on. She’s my wife.” My husband grumbled. Despite being with for the majority of my life, he still got protective and jealous over me. I shot him my most reassuring smile as I was hauled into the dining room, my husband and daughter hot on Michael’s heels. As he plopped me down into my seat, I saw Jayden walking towards me. My eyes narrowed slightly at her stomach before widening. Then I squealed. Quite possibly loud enough for the people three houses down to hear me.

“Oh my gods! You’re pregnant again!” I grinned widely, clapping softly. “Congratulations!” She just laughed, nodding at my conclusion.

“Well, that was easy to tell them!” She giggled softly, walking to her husband and winding her arms round his waist, leaning into him gently. “Now! Food!” She grinned, her eyes trained on myself and my husband. Who were, as per usual, as close as was possible without weirding out our child.

“Momma, papa. I want to know the real story of how you guys met. Not just you two, but how you met Mr and Mrs Clifford too...” Came the quiet voice of my daughter halfway through dinner, I looked up from my plate, astounded. I never once in my life thought that she’d want to know something like that. But she was growing up... I looked hesitantly to my husband, then to the couple sat across from us. They all gave a small nod in confirmation that it was ok to tell the children. Thankfully, Hanna was in bed and myself and my husband had hired a baby sitter for Lucas.

“Well, you see... The thing is...”

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