"I'm not a people person..."

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Rae 2013.

As Ashton flopped himself in between Rae and Jayden, Rae smiled. An almost unnoticeable, yet genuine smile. Just having him this close was a little hard for her. He was an attractive boy. And Rae would be stupid to deny that. The way his hair fell into his face, the way he knew just how to dress to catch her eye. And those biceps. Holy shit, those biceps. Rae was 95% certain that she wouldn't be able to wrap her small hands around his biceps completely unless he lost a dramatic amount of muscle mass.

Rae had to stop herself from tilting herself towards the warmth that the muscled teen boy was giving off. Gods, she would love to just curl up into his side and not have to move for a few hours. Perhaps put a movie on the communal tv and nap, his strong, warm arms wrapped around her as she dozed.

Shaking her head slightly, she somehow managed to stay almost exactly where she had been sat before he flopped ever so gracefully down, his lips twitching down into a frown as Jayden did exactly as Rae had wanted. Suddenly, Rae was bubbling over with jealousy. She felt her small hands clench into fists as she focused her attention back on the three boys sat across from her.

"So, Calum, Luke. How do you know these two?" She rose a brow, forcing out a smile.

"Well one day the nurses just... Conjured these random instruments one day and we all started playing... I think we just kinda ended up together." Came the low chuckles of Luke, Calum just watching the exchange.

"Calum, may I ask if you ever speak?" Rae's brow rose yet again as her eyes caught the brunettes gaze. She had noticed in the short amount of time that she had been at Rosefort that whenever Calum was around the other boys, he was bubbly and animated as he spoke, but as soon as either Rae or Jayden appeared near the boys, he immediately silenced. He had spoken maybe four or five words to Rae in particular, and he'd only spoken them out of necessity. He'd asked her to pass the salt. And had on two rare occasions said hi to her in the hallway outside therapy.

"I do. I'm just... I don't like people. I'm not a people person..." He spoke, his voice almost a whisper. Rae liked it though. It reminded her of her brother. Before he'd passed away. A soft frown graced her lips as she nodded to Cal, her mind now replaying the day she'd found out he'd died. He was a soldier. And he'd been kidnapped, mutilated, and then beheaded.

Rae would swear that if her parents had allowed her to enlist with him, they'd both be alive. Twins stuck together. Twins would protect each other. She still held on to the idea that he wasn't really dead, that he was just in hiding or on a top secret mission somewhere.

Rae also claimed that if he was indeed gone, she would have felt him go. She'd been convinced from a young age that they were emotionally linked. If he'd died, she would know. But she still had moments where she felt an emotion the complete opposite of the situation she was in. These moments were the only part of him she still had. And she would clutch them close for as long as she would live.

However, everyday that passed with no word on or from him had her view inching ever so slightly towards the notion that he was, in fact, gone. Forever

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