It was a mistake.

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Calum, 2013.

The way Calum had been feeling lately had him confused. He was being more sociable, he was even interacting with girls. Admittedly it was only Rae and Jayden that he had been interacting with so far, but he was getting better at it. He'd spoken to Margot too. She was Luke's girlfriend. Honestly, Calum thought she was beautiful. She was the strongest person he knew. And he wanted to be strong too.

He hated being weak. No, hated was too soft of a word. He loathed himself for it. As a kid, his dad wasn't nice. He knew that when his father hit him, it wasn't right. He thought he was strong enough to take the hits. Strong enough to keep his father away from his mother and his sister. Unfortunately for Calum, that wasn't how it worked out. Their funeral had been a week before his admittance to Rosefort, which may have been a contributing factor to his drinking. That was also the day his father was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Calum's father had come home from work, and walked ever so calmly to his study (which had not so long ago been Calum's room). He had retrieved the gun he kept for home protection from the drawer in the desk, walked into the living room, and emptied the magazine into both his daughter and his wife.

When asked why he had killed them, he replied very simply that he was bored of them. When asked why he had let Calum live, his response was that if he had been home, he would not have been spared. He would have been the first to go.

The fact that his father hated him had never been news to Calum after the first time it happened. When his dad first started to beat him, it did perplex him why Mali wasn't getting beaten too. He was only six the first time it happened, and he didn't understand.

Why was daddy so mad?

Why was daddy calling him useless, a mistake, ungrateful?


Daddy that hurt.

Why is daddy hitting him?

What did he do?

Did he make daddy mad?

He would try harder at school.

He would sit nice at the table.

He wouldn't pull the cats tail anymore.

He'd stop being mean to Mali.

He'd stop pulling her hair when it was in braids.

After a while, it became clear to him that he hadn't done anything wrong, but that his father needed to beat him. He still didn't understand why his father needed to do it, but as soon as he thought he was strong enough to hit back, he did.

It was a mistake.

He ended up in a coma for four months.

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