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Hello everyone, I decided to try and keep this episode to one update, so it ended up being a little longer than usual. I hope you enjoy!

Happy Reading!


The Tower Cont

The next morning Amara was back at John's door and offered to walk with him down to breakfast. She slid her arm through his as he stepped out into the hallway. He glanced towards Kai's door. Amara smiled up at him sweetly. "Don't worry John," she said giving his arm a squeeze. "Tavius was already here to escort Lady Zian down to breakfast."

"Oh," John said with a frown. It bothered him that Kai hadn't radioed to let him know.

"You needn't worry about Lady Zian, Tavius will take good care of her," Amara soothed.

"I'm sure he will," John griped half under his breath, but he politely let Amara lead him down to the banquet hall.

When they got there The Lord Protector was still missing. At the head of the table however, Tavius was sitting in his seat, lording over the court. Kai was seated to his left but he was ignoring her as he laughed with the other ladies of the court who seemed all to happy to have the prince's attention. Otho was standing just behind his chair, his hands clasped behind his back respectfully as he watched the spectacle.

Amara took the seat to the right of Tavius and gestured for John to sit beside her. John couldn't help feeling like they were on the longest blind date ever. He ate some of the fresh fruit and took a swig of tea, wishing they had coffee. He never slept well in the field and there was no telling how long they could be stuck here while they sorted this mess out.

"So," Tavius said turning to his left. "Lady Zian, after breakfast I have made arrangements to give you a private tour of the palace..." he hesitated as he looked her over. "I see you did allow the Lady's maids to help you with your attire," he said condescendingly.

John choked on his tea. Kai for her part kept her face perfectly impassive. "I'm afraid they did not come to my room by the time I was ready to go."

"No matter," Tavius said with a casual flip of his fingers. "Once you adapt to life here in the palace you will realize you no longer need to get up at such obscene hours of the morning."

Kai swallowed a sip of tea. "Yes, 0700 is obscene," she agreed with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

John kicked at her under the table. He connected with her shin but she didn't flinch. Instead she flashed John a charming smile and popped a grape into her mouth. John scowled at her. She needed to watch her mouth or she was going to get them into trouble. Luckily Tavius didn't seem to realize a woman was capable of being sarcastic and it went straight over his head.

"Ah, Lady Zian and I were promised a tour of the history of this place," John said quickly.

Tavius and Amara wrinkled their noses in distaste. "Why would you want to visit Otho's musty archive chamber?" Tavius asked in distaste as he glared down his nose at John. His eyes traveled to Kai. "A lady like yourself needn't bother with such things."

Kai forced a complacent smile on her face as she spoke so she wouldn't throw her cup of hot tea in his face. "If I'm to be Lady of the palace its important to me that I understand the history of it's people and..." she hesitated, she wasn't any better at this game than John. She wished fervently that Elizabeth or Teyla were here, they always seemed to know the right things to say.

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