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Hello all! I'm so excited, we reached 3,000 reads today. So lets celebrate with an update! I never imagined so many people would enjoy this story. Thank you all so much for all the support!

Happy Reading!!!


Despite her protests Kai did eventually fall asleep. John sat near the entrance with the P-90 resting in his lap. He hadn't missed that she moved as far away from his as she physically could in the small space. She curled up on her side with her back to him and slept.

Things felt so natural between the two of them, but as soon as they were no longer in danger, Kai put the walls back up. He felt like an idiot for not remembering or understanding what had happened on Lodan. He had done something but he didn't know how to bring it up. Normally when he did something stupid he knew what it was. It bothered him though. He liked his easy friendship with Kai and didn't want to lose that. He felt out of sorts and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He cared about Kai and found her incredibly attractive, but the same could be said for Teyla. They were friends and coworkers and it wasn't a problem. There was no reason things couldn't be that way with Kai.

He huffed and shifted his weight trying to get more comfortable. His shoulder pulled when he moved it but the pain was manageable. It didn't feel like he had damaged the muscle. He popped two antibiotics and some Tylenol he found in the med pack.

They would have to sort through the gear they scavenged in the daylight. He turned off the lantern and settled back into the dark of the cave. Far away he could hear the first rumbling of thunder and outside the cave the wind picked up.

John glanced towards Kai frowning. He pushed himself to his feet and in the dim light pulled an emergency blanket out of one of the packs. Careful not to touch her he draped it over her as she slept. She made a soft noise in the back of her throat and snuggled deeper under the blanket. He settled back down at the cave entrance and watched over her as she slept.


Elizabeth met the team in the Jumper bay as they worked to load enough supplies for them all for up to fourteen days. As she watched the amount of gear they needed it hit her for maybe the first time how truly dangerous this rescue mission would be. What they might encounter on the planet was nothing compared to facing the empty void of space in such a small ship.

She swallowed and turned back to Rodney. He was squatting over his computer bag, double checking he had all the diagnostic tools he might need. He seemed convinced there was a chance the gate was intact and if so that he might be able to get them through it. As much as the man claimed to be an egotistic coward, he never seemed to hesitated when his friends were in trouble. The friendship between McKay and Sheppard was something she hadn't anticipated or understood, but they were friends and despite their constant snipping they truly seemed to care about each other.

"Are you sure about this Rodney?" She asked in a low tone so the marines working around them wouldn't hear.

"Hmm?" McKay responded distractedly. When Weir didn't repeat herself he tore his eyes off his equipment to look up at her. "What?"

"Are you sure? There are other people who can go..." she offered glancing towards the small shuttle.

McKay frowned at her like he didn't understand the question. "I'm sure there are, but none of them are me," he finally settled on saying and he picked up his bag and headed into the jumper. "Shot gun," he called and began to hook his personal laptop into the systems.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now