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John and Kai were in the gym sparring. Over the past two weeks they had sparred with one another every morning. Teyla had joined them the first morning, but after, bowed out, claiming she had other duties to tend to. In reality, the Athosian was giving them the space she sensed they needed. Their relationship had changed somehow, although Teyla couldn't exactly tell how much. They spent a lot of time together but they still seemed very careful of each other. It frustrated her to no end watching them dance around each other. But it wasn't her place and The Colonel and Kai were private people.

There had been a shift in both of them since the Genii captured Kai and John believed her to be dead. They were both braver, more willing to explore this thing between them, but they were taking things slow.

Kai flipped John over her shoulder, but instead of obediently following the trajectory  of the throw he latched onto her arm, dragging them both to the floor in an unceremonious heap of  limbs. Kai often let herself get too caught up in the rules and form of the fighting style she had been taught as a child and John could use that to his advantage.

John tried to swing with his bantos rod, but she kicked it aside and rolled over on top of him, pinning him to the mat. She smirked down at him as she pressed the side of her rod against his neck.

"Yield?" she asked. There was laughter in her eyes and she seemed genuinely happy.

John opened his mouth as though he were going to agree and rolled over in a powerfully fast move. He tangled his legs with hers, and pinned her arms above her head. Both of their chests were rising and falling in tandem as they were pressed together.

Kai froze, staring up at John's face. They had been dancing around one another for two weeks, the sexual tension rising until it was almost unbearable. Kia licked her lips and his eyes followed the motion, the tension between them stretching.

"John-" she said in a low voice, there was a slight tremble in her tone and he dipped his head down and kissed her.

She pushed against his grip on her wrists so she could deepen the kiss, but he pulled back as soon as she pushed against him.

Triumph was still glittering in his eyes as he crouched over her. "I win," he said smugly.

She laughed and for him it was almost as good as kissing her to see her so open and free. She wasn't holding anything back from him.

"Colonel Sheppard," John's comm activated in his ear.

John blew out an aggravated sigh and reached up, touching it. "Sheppard here," he responded a little more impatiently than he needed to.

"Colonel," Beckett's voice came through the radio enough for Kai to easily eavesdrop. "He's awake," he said grimly.

John and Kai shared a look of concern and John reached up to respond once more. "I'm on my way," he promised. He climbed to his feet quickly and offered Kai a hand up. She took it gratefully and his large warm fingers closed around her and he pulled her to her feet easily. The two of them moved over to their gear, and they each pulled out a towel to wipe the sweat away.

"I better go," John said awkwardly as he turned back to her.

This was still new between them and he didn't want to push it. They needed to talk at some point and decide what they were going to do with this. If they decided to move forward they would need to come clean to Weir. He wasn't willing to sneak around. He didn't want her feeling like she was some dirty little secret. John knew himself well enough to know this was serious and he wasn't going to treat it as anything but.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now