Apple Trees

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"I completley forgot about this place," Connor said, a smile forming on his face as he looked around at all the baby trees beginning to sprout.

"I hope you like it," Evan grinned.

"I do!" Connor pulled Evan into a side hug. "This is amazing."

"Yeah." Evan shrugged sheepishly. "I wanted to wait to show you, for the trees to start somewhat sprouting. Jared, Alana, and I came up here last year, and planted all of them."

"Wow. That's amazing." Connor stepped over to a huge oak tree, and Evan tried to freak out. Even after two years, the thought of that one oak tree - not this one, but the one back in Ellison  Park - still shook him.

Even so, he followed Connor over, and sat down with his back leaning against the wood. "It's so peaceful," he commented. "I could stay here forever."

"Me too," Connor said as he sat down to join Evan. "I remember... My family would come up here every weekend when Zoe and I were kids. It was strangely normal, as I remember it."

"My mom and I would go to [Pancake Place] every Sunday morning when I was younger. Then, she started working, so we had to stop."

"Well, this place closed, so my family had to stop, too," Connor laughed.

"Maybe we could, uh, do both? Every weekend - Saturdays, we come here, Sundays we get pancakes?"

"I'd like that," Connor smiled.


"Definitely. That sounds awesome." Connor shrugged. "Besides, I couldn't come here with my family for awhile. They would always come up here."

"Why couldn't you go?"

"The therapist that's been working with my family suggested that Zoe and I should have some time apart. I did a lot of not good things to her, so I get it. It kinda hurt, though. I never realized..." He sank down against the tree. "Hey, look. A bird."

"I can't tell if you're trying to change the subject, or you're actually getting distracted, because honestly, both are possible," Evan grinned.

"No, I actually did get distracted," Connor smiled back. "Birds are fun."

"I guess."

"But yeah," Connor said. "That'd be a great tradition to start. Every weekend being peaceful and calm, just the two of us."

"Thanks," Evan breathed. "I wasn't sure if you'd be on board with it."

"Of course I am!" Connor yelled, wrapping his arm around Evan's shoulders. Evan leaned his head on Connor's side. "It'll be great."

"You really think so?"

"Yep." Connor ran his hair through Evan's hair. "It's gonna be great, Hansen. Don't worry."

"Sorry. I just... well, I was just nervous and all? This being our first real... date?"

"So... we're dating officially, or whatever now?" A small smile was spreading on Connor's face.

"I mean... if you want?" Evan could tell he was blushing.

"Again," Connor cleared his throat dramatically before yelling, "Of course! Took ya long enough, Hansen."

"Oh my god," Evan laughed. "Thanks for... being my... boyfriend?"

"You're very welcome, boyfriend," Connor grinned.

It was true, right there, the two of them.

Two friends on a perfect day.

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