chapter two

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*Todoroki's P.O.V*

I was eating lunch alone when I saw Yaoyorozu walking towards me and I wave at her and she jogged to the table,

" hello Todoroki" she says, she sat down and started eating,

I continued eating and looking at the ash blonde that was in my vision.

*Bakugou's P.O.V*

"So Bakugou you like what's the word hate everyone" Raccoon eyes asked me,

I scoffed

" I don't hate everyone, I just hate everyone in class because they are all annoying" I say.

everyone glance at each other like I am weird or something.

I glance at that boy that was looking at me in class,

he is the weird one with his two toned hair and weird scar and different eye colours and his lean figure,

I bet he doesn't eat, that won't help you become a hero,

they need to be in a healthy condition, he will never be as good as me.

I look outside the window with a frown,

the sun shines brightly on the campus it was so hot,

I could feel it inside the cafeteria,

this uniform is horrible for summer weather,

it is so hot,

I just want to go swimming or something I don't know.

The bell rang meaning lunch was over, I stood up and started walking to class when Kirishima walked next to me,

" you seemed a bit off at lunch are you okay?" He asked,

I just scoffed and said nothing he just looked concerned but backed off.

I have a feeling in my stomach like it was bad I don't know what it was though it had something to do with pretty boy.

I walked into class and sir was not there yet, he never said his name, odd.

I had to some quirk evaluation test to do anything and the dumb dumbs are freaking out because like you could get expelled or something,

but like I knew I would not get expelled but I knew deku would fail because who would even root for that need he just some dumb obstacle that I have to beat to be the best.

Guess who was correct Deku got last and he was getting expelled but that dumb teacher said he was joking and I was offended because I was happy deku was leaving but some chick said she knew but like she was irrelevant,

I am the only thing that matters here.

I was in class when Kirishima was freaking out about something,

I look up and he was over at Pikachu's desk

I walk over and they were laughing it was odd and then I realised that they were laughing at some cat video stupid stuff like that.

I go back to my desk when pretty boy runs into me

" watch it" I said, he took a step back and started apologising and I step forward he yelped and I laughed,

" Bakugou" I say,he looked confused then got it,

" oh my name's Todoroki" he said,

I take a look at the shorter male and sigh I may I may regret this but I move out his way and let him go away I am better than him.

I was packing up my things and ready to head out,

I was done with this school the moment I walked in.

*Todoroki's P.O.V*

I was sitting in my room trying to figure out what I liked so much about this ash blonde drew me to him like a rope dragging me closer to him.

It was 4:00 and I needed to go to the training room with my father to practice, I walked in the room of my pain to see my father already waiting.

" two minutes late," he says, " I am sorry father" I say,

" you know when a villain is attacking bystanders those two minutes could mean a life of many lives lost because you were two minutes late, never again Shoto, I don't want this ever again," he says,

I nod and get ready to train.

We started,

my father sent a fireball at me I made a big ice wall to cover myself,

it started to crack sending little chips of ice at me scratching my face.

I took a step back before freezing the entire room to give me more of an advantage,

the colder the better.

he broke the ice wall with a single punch and I step back,

" Shoto this is child's play, you need to use with your fire" he said before running at me,

I ran away while trying to think, what would Yaoyorozu do,

she would make a plan.

My father threw himself at me using a big fire blast to push himself off me while hurting me in the process,

I stood up my body aching trying to figure out something to do I look at the wall and a burn mark on the wall like a path,

I got an idea.

I freeze my father in place and use a path of ice to climb the wall and stand on the ceiling

and then when I was on top of my father I sent a blast of ice at my father freezing him in place and making me the winner,


My body was in so much pain I needed to rest, I collapsed on the couch watching the window and the outside,

The birds chirping and the wind lightly blowing against the trees,

it was a perfect day to go outside with the family

A normal family that is, not like my family.

It took an hour for my father to unfreeze himself from the icy prison,

he took a shower after getting out,

I had won but no praise just death glares,

he wanted me to use my fire,

no, for my mother's sake I shall not use his quirk.

I went to my room to fix myself up,

I put went into my personal bathroom and took a shower,

my body stung as the water hit my scratches,

the pain I deal with everyday because of my father's fight to be number one

I ate dinner with Fuyumi, my sister made my favourite soba, " Thank you Fuyumi" I say, she giggled " I am sister not your principal stop acting like you did something wrong" Fuyumi laughed,

I thought about it and wished for tomorrow to just be normal,

I do every day but no one ever listens.

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