chapter twelve

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*Midoriya's p.o.v*

I was scared out of my mind, today was a school day and the stunt I pulled yesterday about Kacchan's issues, I will die today.

I was walking to school and I saw Iida up ahead, I ran towards him, "Iida!" I yell, "ah Midoriya, good morning!" he said, "good morning to you too, how has your morning been?" I ask, "it was fairly good, I am happy with my breakfast, waffles with blueberries on the side, how has your morning been?" he asks, "good, I am having a good morning" I said.

Iida and I got to class and the first person I laid eyes on was Kacchan, he was with Todoroki, "good morning Midoriya" Todoroki greeted me, I slightly waved at him, "deku" I heard Kacchan say, "morning Kacchan" I said nervously, " mind if you repeated what you said yesterday, with Todoroki around" he said, being a hero means I have to stand up to people doing bad, even if they are my friends, " I said yesterday...that you and Todoroki should kiss" I said, Todoroki looked at me red in the face, "Midoriya?!" he said confused, Todoroki started to mumble, his quirk activated and he caught on fire, "TODOROKI!" I yelled, he was put out but his shirt was gone, I elbowed Kacchan and said "you think his hot?"

*Iida's p.o.v*

Todoroki caught on fire and I was the first one to respond, "YAOYOROZU! CAN I HAVE A BUCKET OF WATER!" I yell, I look over and Bakugou is kicking Midoriya, he was on the floor bleeding, "BAKUGOU!" I yell, "get off him!" I say pulling Bakugou in the air, "let me at him, put me down!" Bakugou said, Yaoyorozu threw something at Bakugou and he fell asleep.

"what was that?" I ask, "it is a bomb of sorts, it uses the mist Midnight produces into a bomb!" she said happily, "very interesting, that is very smart Yaoyorozu!" I said, she smiled. I looked at he three sleeping boys, "I will take them to recovery girl!" I said, I picked up Todoroki and Midoriya and started to walk to recovery girl.

I knocked on the door and Recovery girl opened the door, "oh gosh, what happened?" she asked looking at the sleeping boys, "I really don't know but I know they might be injured so they need attention immediately!" I say, "put them in the beds that we not in use" she said, "excuse me Recovery girl, there are only two beds open" I said, "then make two of them share a bed" she said, I put Midoriya on his own bed because he had the worse injuries and Todoroki and Bakugou share a bed, "sorry" I said, I left so Recovery girl can have some quiet, that's till Bakugou wakes up.

*Bakugou's p.o.v*

I woke up to the old nurce in my face,"WHERE AM I??" I yelled, "there are other people here bad you are in my office" he said walking away, I looked to my left and saw deku in the other bed, he looked really beat up, right I did that, ha I'm so strong!

I looked to my left and saw icy-hot in the same bed as me, "oh my god" I said quietly, he looked so peaceful,his eyes slowly fluttered open, he looked at me tiredly, "uh...where am i?" he asked, " recovery girl's office" I said, "if you two are feeling better come here and get some pills to help with your lose of energy then you can leave" Recovery girl said, I nodded and jumped out of bed.

we walked back to class and as we entered the class everyone was staring at us, " if you keep looking at us I will blast all of you to the moon" I said, I sat down at my desk and I felt all of the class staring at me, I was getting pissed off.

it was lunch and Raccoon eyes came up to me, "is it true you beat up Midoriya?" she asked, " what?" I say, "oh it is just everyone was discussing that" she said, I just got my lunch and sat in silence, " yes so what Todoroki and Bakugou shared a bed Uraraka?" I heard glasses say, " IT MEANS NOTHING!!!" I yell, Pink cheeks came to my table with her frog girlfriend, "so you guys shared a bed huh?" she said, "yeah so what?" I say, "that's pretty gay" she said, "I'm the one who is dating someone of the same gender" I said, she just laughed and said "yeah but you like him and we all know well except him" she said, wait really everyone? no way!

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