Chapter ten

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Bakugou's p.o.v*

Kirishima is wrong, I don't like icy-hot and I want to kill everyone, not only Jiro and Kirishima! I want to stab, I can't believed Jiro well I don't now so I am fine.

I am sitting at the dinner table and the old hag decided to talk, " so Katsuki find any cute girls at your school?" She said, I thought of all of the girls in my class, they are all not my type, because I don't like anyone, " no, there is no one that I like they are all ugly" i said, I thought of Todoroki when I said that statement but why?

" Oh Katsuki it is because you haven't found the one yet or you have but you are to prideful to notice it" my father said, " tch, it is not that it is just all the girls are ugly" I repeated in more of a firm tone, they just laughed at me, " do you like guys Katsuki?" My mother asked, I looked at them in shock, I stood up and yelled, " WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP SAYING THAT GOD", they look at me as I slump back in my seat, " so any cute guys Katsuki?" They ask in unison.

After that hell dinner I went into my room and checked my phone, Bad hair messaged me,

Bad haircut

Hiya Bakugou, how was your gay?

Oh dude sorry I meant day


Tch, you meant gay mad I know it

Bad haircut

No bro I didn't, did you want it mean gay?



Bad haircut

Yo dude bro I didn't mean to piss you off


Just leave me alone

I left the chat and checked Instagram and I saw a post by icy-hot and it was a photo of him at the park on a swing, I looked at it for a bit before clicking on his account I was looking at his photo before I saw a photo of him and that ponytail girl, I was mad for some reason, " tch whatever" I said ,I threw my phone and got changed and then brushed my teeth then went to bed but before I went to sleep I looked at his Instagram one more time and I accidentally liked one of his photos, it was him shirtless, I tried to take away the like which worked but the problem was done.

I feel asleep in a panic,

Dream time

I sat down at my table and Todoroki walked into the class he went to my desk and pulled out his phone, " you liked one of my pics and it was with me shirtless? You like me?" He asked me, he leaned closer and I pushed my seat back and he sat in my lap and went to my face and...

I woke up to my blaring alarm and ruined my dream, I threw my alarm clock at the wall and screamed " DUMB ALARM CLOCK RUINING EVERYTHING!!!!!"  

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