Chapter eight

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Bakugou's p.o.v*

Jiro slapped me my face, "what the hell, don't scream you idiot" she said, I stopped screaming but he still was on my head, Jiro moved back to the window for me.

When we arrived at this place and some guy in a space suit was there in front of a big building, " welcome class 1A" that dude said.

We enter the place and it had different scenarios, landslide, fire, some ship was sinking and an earthquake? I watch as my class freak out, geez I just want to fight villains.

I wasn't really listening till the teacher started freaking out about something, it was some villains? did it already start or something? some weird guy showed up behind us, I might actually have fun.

This guy was talking about the villains wanting all might or something? I stopped listening after he said his first word. I scanned the class for icy-hot, I spotted the shortie behind that smart chick he is always with.

I got bored of this guy talking when I asked shark teeth if he wanted to attack this guy, he agreed almost instantly.

Me and him started yelling to get his attention away from the class when we ran up to him, that guy in the suit was doing something before he stopped, useless, the guy was a black only smoke and it covered the class, I tried to see through it but all I saw was metal, his body, u started to run up to it before I was transferred to some building, earthquake zone I think.

I was with bad hair so that was something but I was also with like 20-40 villains, they are nothing, I ran a bunch of them and set off a big explosion, I punched one of them and then kicked him to the other side of the room.

I threw one of the guys at shark boy 2 and he threw him at the wall, that seemed like the last of them, " we should probably find the class now" he said, " yeah whatever" I say, some invisible thing came at us but I blasted it away.

" We should go around the main area that seems to be where all the villains are then after we do a sneak attack if we have another couple of students or like icy-hot" i say, " wow, you are not yelling it is kinda weird, you are like never calm and rational" bad hair said, " I AM ALWAYS CALM AND RATIONAL" I yelled, he said something about me coming back.

We got out of the building when we saw icy-hot, " oi" I said, he looked over and came to us, " I got some intel on why the villains are here, they are planning to kill All Might" he said, the world sort of stopped, I felt sick, kill All Might? Are they stupid, they can't kill him, I looked at the group of villains, there was a giant one, he was like a bird, he was banging our teachers head against the floor, this may be bad.

I watched from afar with the two red heads as the bird guy beat up our teacher, I heard a loud crash, it came from the entrance, it was All Might, he was walking into their trap, as I was watching All Might be super cool Deku joined in so me and icy-hot just stood up, " hey what do you think you are doing" shark kid said, " helping" I said, All Might seemed to be stuck in some weird black hole and he came out the other side, I ran up and attacked that warp gate guy, I punched the metal bit making a loud clang.

I pinned the black hole guy down and icy hot froze that bird freak, Crap hair was talking with Deku, " ha you think of moving and I will blow you into bits" I said, " that is not very hero like Bakugou" jaws the trash reboot said, " WHATEVER" I yelled back.

I kept an eye on icy-hot so like he won't die or something when freaking some guy with a hand on his face told that freak of nature to kill me, I couldn't let go of gas the blast over here so I watched in horror until All Might punched the guy because the villains never win and the heroes always win.

I lost that warp guy so I went to icy-hot and watched All Might fight. All might was losing when he threw like 200 punches and that freak went flying out of here, I was in shock of that power, I wanted that power it seemed so good to have, this is why he is the number one, I have to work so much harder to get to his level but I will, one day.

Deku got hurt some how, weirdo, I moved closer to icy-hot to see if he was injured and to see he was fine, there was news people everywhere and it was good because like ten different new broadcasts I stuck up the bird, ha sucked in society, I win today

Katsuki Bakugou

" Bakugou are you ok" todo- icy-hot asked me, " I am fine, are you nevermind" I stopped myself, " I am ok Bakugou" he said, the sound of his voice was so calming.

I am in this big time huh?

*Todoroki's p.o.v*

I watched Bakugou from afar he was being rude to one of the newsagents,I lightly laughed at Bakugou's standoffish behavior bit then I remembered I am Shoto Todoroki, I made standoffishness.

I saw Yaoyorozu and went to her, " are you ok?" I ask her, " ah yes, I am fine Todoroki" she said with a smile, " are you?" she asked, " yeah I am ok" I said lightly smiling.

I heard Invisible girl was in my area when we were fighting, I could have hurt her, I need to learn to control my ice and never use my fire,

I am nothing like my father, Nothing.

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