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I stopped right in front of the house as the forest began to grow quiet. I put my sword on my back and began to quietly approach the house.

Not a single sound could be heard and I noticed a small sleeping animal on the porch. I stopped as I approached to look down at it. It slept peaceful on a small swing it tail moving back and forth. The little white cat was breathing softly with a small smile on its face as it slept.

I took a step onto the porch the wood creaked causing the cat to stir in its sleep. I took careful steps this time trying not to alert anyone of my presence. When I reached the front door I tried to open it but to no avail it was locked.

I growled slightly and twisted the door knob even more. When it wouldn't open up I began to shake the lock. The door shuck as well and a small squeak could be heard inside.

I stopped shaking the door knob and froze a bit.

Someone was actually inside the house.

As I stood still I felt something brush up against my leg. Looking down I noticed the small cat from earlier. It brushed against my leg as its tail stood up. It let out a small meow before running off.

I turned my attention back to the door knob and began to tug at it more. Another squeal was heard and I let go of the door knob. Taking my sword from behind I stepped back and bringing the sword down I sliced the door in half. I put my sword back over my shoulders and heard a loud shriek from inside.

A scattering sound was heard and I stepped into the house. The place was pretty neat excepted for one part. A small tea glass was shattered on the floor with a book laying next to it.

Walking towards it I stared down at the mess. I dropped down a bit and put a finger into the tea. It was still warm.

I stood up straight again and scanned around the room. There was a door leading to another room it seemed to be a one story house.

I made my way over to the door and stopped in front of it. Inside that room was a large bed the whole room was basically covered in white as well as flowers.

On top of the bed something small hid under the covers. I slowly walked towards it and heard another small yelp as I stopped in front of the bed.

I put my hand on top of the blanket and threw it off the bed. As the covers were thrown off a frightened young girl was now visible under them. She stared at me in fear and I stared back at her.

"Please don't kill me." She mumbled out quietly.

•Elizabeths POV•

I stared up at the man in complete shock and fear. There stood a random stranger in my room with a sword on his back. The sword dripped of blood causing my fear to rise.

"Are you the lady in white?" He asked with no emotion as one hand reached around his back to grab his sword.

"The who..." I asked out shyly.

He took his sword off his back and pointed it directly at me. I shrieked out in fear and backed up a bit.

"I'm sorry!" I mumbled out covering my face.

"Are you the lady in white?"

"I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about!" I said as my hair covered my face.

I got up off the bed on the other side and began to back away a bit. As I turned to look at the door I heard metal clash with the floor and I was tackled down. The boy pushed me down onto the ground and sat on top of me.

"Why are there so many creatures in this forest? Who are you? How did you get in here?"

"Please stop asking so many questions..." I mumbled out.

"Then who are you tell me that."

"But you barged into my home who exactly um are you...?" I asked.

"I'm a knight from the palace outside of this forest. I've come here to protect the people of my kingdom."

"Um what does breaking into my house have to do with protecting your kingdom..." I mumbled out nervously.

"Tell me women have you ever killed anyone before."

I looked at him in shock.

"Of course not!" I said in disbelief.

He got up off of me and turning around he went back to grab his sword.

"I apologize for distributing your day." He put the sword back on his back and turning around he began to leave the house.

I got up off the ground and followed after the boy. As he left the house I noticed him beginning to walk towards the the forest.

"Um excuse me.." I called out.

He didn't hear me as he began to walk towards the tree.

"Um excuse me!" I shouted a bit louder.

Once again my voice fell to deaf ears.

"Its imp-"

Before I could finish my sentence he disappeared into the trees.

Meliodas x Elizabeth ~The Ancient Tree~Where stories live. Discover now