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I sat down in a small tower on the east side of the castle. It was a small room with only a bed. They left me some clothes to change into. I sat on the window sill my legs hanging out as I stared off into the distance.

The castle was pretty big but you could see the town from the window. My eyes wandered around as I noticed a small light headed towards the castle. I scouted a little closer to the edge and tried my best to see out. The light got closer to the gate and I watched as the gate began to open. I still couldn't see anything though.

Backing away from the window I jumped back down into the room.

I stared down at the bed before slipping inside. I curled up into the fluffiness of the blankets letting the warmth entrap me as I slowly slipped from consciousnesses.

The next morning I was startled awake by the sound of a loud banging on my door. Shooting up out of bed the covers flews off my falling to the floor. I looked around the room as my heart pounded in my chest. Another knock echoed throughout the room and I turned my head towards the door.

"Miss!" Someone shouted from behind it.

"Y-Yes?" I called out nervously while the memorizing from last night flooded back.

"His royal highness request a meeting with you. Please change into the clothes provided. I shall wait outside for your arrival."

"Uh o-okay..."

My eyes darted around the room for the clothes only to find them on the floor with my covers. The bed creaked slightly as I pushed myself up off of it. Carefully walking I bent down to pick them up. It was another dress. It was a rather simple blue dress lace trim at the bottom with straps at the top. Taking off the night gown I exchanged it for the blue dress.

I held onto the bottom of the dress feeling the fabric as I spun around slightly. My face flushed embarrassed as the dress fell from my hand. Hitting my skin lightly the dress fabric was so light that a pair of baby scissors could cut it up in seconds.

I picked up the covers off the floor and gently laid them back on my bed. Shaking the duvet it now laid perfectly on my bed.

Turning away I started towards the door. Opening it up I peaked outside to see the maid waiting patiently by the wall. I took a small breath before fully stepping outside. The sound of the door fully opening caught her attention. She piped up at the sight of me with a big smile on her face she began to head towards the stairs.

"Follow me miss and must I say that you look absolutely astonishing!"

A small tint of pink flushed on my face as I followed after her down the stairs. I mumbled a thank you before the atmosphere grew silent. I wandered down the cold stairs the only sound that could be heard was the sound of my feet hitting lightly against the floor.

I followed her through a door and then finally down a wall way. She opened up a door and waited outside motioning me to go inwards. I nervously took a step in and was greeted by a long dinning hall. In front of me sat an long dinning table and at the end sat the King. A smile grew on his face as he noticed me and he motioned me to step forward.

I nervously took a step forward while I began to play with my fingers.

"Wow..." he mumbled.

"Uh hi...." I said shyly walking towards a chair opposite of him.

I took a seat and lifted my head to look up at him. I nervously swayed my feet back and forth as he stared at me.

"You look beautiful...." His eyes wandered my body before stopping at my chest.

My face flushed a deep shade of red before he averted his eyes.

"Ah I should mention we are also going to have some guest joining us. Even though id prefer if they weren't here I've decided to give them a second chance.."

"A second chance?"

"Yes- Ah look at that they've arrived."

The door to the dinning room made a loud creaking noise as it opened. The sound of metal boots rang through the room causing me to freeze up in my chair. Tilting my head back I felt my heart beginning to pound in my chest.

"Ah there you two are..."

My eyes widened in surprise as I sucked in a breath. Two men walked into the room one with light pink hair and another with familiar blonde hair. The man with the pink hair continued to walk but the other one stopped in their place. His eyes widened at the sight of me and my heart was racing at this point.

"Sir Meliodas is there a problem? Sit down so we can begin..."

Meliodas x Elizabeth ~The Ancient Tree~Where stories live. Discover now