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The next time I woke up I was laying back inside of my house. I had been placed on the couch by whoever brought me here while the cat slept peacefully on the floor beside me. I jolted out of the chair and the cat jumped up in fear. I hurried over to the door and pushing it open I looked out. There was no one else around.

Meliodas camp was still set up but he wasnt there. I quickly ran towards the forest running through it only to end right back where I started a minute later. I let out an annoyed groan and walked over to his camp.

I was stuck in here, again. The one chance I had at going out had been taken away from me and now Meliodas was gone. I dropped down beside the blanket he used and laid down. Maybe he'd find his way back. Laying down on the blanket I let out a small yawn before curling up a bit. Gripping onto it I let the cold air and warmth of his blanket take me off to sleep.

It had already been a couple days since the incident. Meliodas hadn't returned and the feeling of loneliness began to sink in. I was used to being alone but maybe I preferred having someone else around. I had enjoyed the time we spent together but I should've known it would've been limited.

I let out another sigh before walking down the porch towards the forest. I stared out into the forest shivering as the wind brushed against my arms.

I noticed the cat once again begin to head into the forest and I decided to follow it again. I stayed close behind the cat as we began to wander through the forest. A shall sigh left my lips as I wandered the forest. It was quiet today and I tried to be even quieter. I didn't want the same thing happening again. This time I wanted to try and escape from the forest. I wanted to find Meliodas.

Taking in a deep breath I strayed away from the cat. I began to hurry a bit as I walked through the forest. I hurried past the trees as my feet began to pick up the paste. I wasn't sure where I was running too but some how I'd get out of here. As I ran the trees got closer together the sky began to get darker too.

The air began to grow thicker and the cold breeze brushed against my skin. I had to make it out some how. As much as I loved where I was something drew me to him.

Something didnt feel right though. As I ran further threw the forest a bright white light began to emerge again. A fear began to take over me as I backed away. The light took the form as a woman as she began to walk towards me.

"Please not again..." I whimpered out.

I began to back away and turning around I began to bolt back in. As much as I wanted to leave looks like I'd have to find another way. Fog began to slowly spread throughout the forest and I noticed a river up ahead. It was the same place where I had lost Meliodas. I turned my head back to see her getting even closer. I began to run closer to the water and taking a deep breath I jumped before she could grab me.

I sunk into the water and looked back the lady stood there staring down at me as I began to sink. Slowly but surely she began to disappear from sight. My eyes slowly began to close because of lack of oxygen causing me to black out.

My eyes slowly began to flutter open as the light shinned down on me.

"Shes awake..." I heard a voice whisper.

My eyes flew open as I heard voices. A few people jumped back in shock and the screams of children echoed throughout the forest.

I stared at them in shock as I slowly sat up. I began to cough up water and tears began to form in the corner of my eyes.

"Are you a mermaid?"

There was a group of small girls standing in front of me. One of them began to slowly approach me as I stared at them in shock.

"She has to be a mermaid she came from the water. Hey lady are you a mermaid??"

"I'm sorry but where am I...?"

"So she is a secret mermaid!"

"Come on lets take her home with us!" Another one cheered out.

"W-Wait bu-" before I could do anything more they dragged me off the ground.

I yelped out quietly as the girls began to drag me away.

Where the hell was I??

Meliodas x Elizabeth ~The Ancient Tree~Where stories live. Discover now