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I had fallen asleep by Meliodas as I felt a small tug at my arm. I slowly opened up my eyes to see Meliodas beside me. I looked at him confused and he began to help me up off the grass.

"Come on the cats headed out."

I nodded my head still confused while I let him drag me. His hands intertwined with mine as he began to walk after a figure in the distance. I rubbed one of my eyes becoming more aware of our surroundings.

"I uh hand-"

"Its so we don't lose each other." He mumbled out looking away.

I could see a slight tint of red on his face as he began to walk behind the cat.

The cat didnt mind us following as it began to walk through the forest. As the cat walked through somehow we didn't end up going in a circle. We were in a different part a part I hadn't seen before. I gripped Meliodas hand a little tighter and he took the sword from off his back.

"That was easier than I figured.." He mumbled out.

"Do you think we should keep following the cat..?" I asked out shyly.

He nodded his head and we continued on.

The cat stopped in front of a small waterfall and curled up in a ball.

"Is it taking a nap?" Meliodas asked nearing it.

"Seems like it.." I said letting out a small giggle.

"Hey um are you sure its okay that we left or that I'm here with you..."

Meliodas let go of my hand and turned back to look at me.

"Of course it is but remember I'm leaving this place... after all I have to find that lady and make her pay."

"Have you even see her before?" I asked staring up at him with confusion.

"Personally no... only thing I have to go off is a description thats it."

"I'm not trying to say your crazy or anything but are you sure this lady is even real? What if shes a ghost or a demon...?" I said whispering the last part.

"I'm not sure honestly I've got no idea but whoever they are I'm sure they'll be after me next..." He mumbled out.

I looked at him with slight fear in my eyes but he gave me a reassuring smile.

"I'm the best knight they've got I'm not going down that easy."

I bit on my lip slightly but nodded my head.

"So then what about you?"

I looked down at the ground as thoughts began to swirl through my head.

He was right though what would I do? I had been in this forest for so long and as much as I loved it here I wanted to see more. I wanted to see what else the world had to offer. But at the same time would I even be able to re-enter the forest if I left.

"I'm not sure.."

"Well if you ever wanted to leave you're welcomed to come with me."

I looked up at Meliodas as he scratched the back of his vape nervously. I gave him a small smile.

"Thank you... maybe I do want to see more.."

His eyes lit up a bit,

"I could show you so much... so many different kinds of foods and lots of people and animals and all sorts of stuff!" He said excitedly.

"Yes I want to see it! I want to leave this fores-"

Before I could say anymore a loud booming sound echoed throughout the woods. The birds in the trees flew away as the sky began to darken and the cat was startled away. It ran as it noticed the sky change not a single living animal was left around us. The forest began to get foggy and before Meliodas could grab me I felt myself yanked back. I let out a blood curling scream as I was forced back.

"Elizabeth!" I heard Meliodas shoot out.

I was brought to the ground and I let out another shriek. I began to look around the forest but I couldnt see a single thing. I was completely blinded by the fog I couldn't see Meliodas. I couldn't even see where I was.

As my eyes darted around the forest I noticed a bright white light appearing in the fog. It began to get closer and as it did it took the form of a woman. Before I could do anything more I was knocked out cold.

Meliodas x Elizabeth ~The Ancient Tree~Where stories live. Discover now