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They began to drag me down a long path and I hesitantly followed behind them. I knew I could always leave but I didn't want to hurt them.

"Um where are we going...?" I asked shyly.

"Home!" One of the girls cheered out.

As we got closer to the end of the town a town was noticeable at the end. When we made into the town people began to stare at me and it made me really uncomfortable. I looked down at the ground as I nervously bit my lip hoping all their stares would just go away. Nobody said anything they just stared as we made our way through the town.

After a few more minutes of walking I felt one of the girls let go of me and a loud knocking sound was heard. I quickly looked up to see we were in front of a door. My heart began pounding in my chest and one of the little girls gave me a wide smile.

The door slowly crept open and a young looking lady answered.

"Honey whats got you so- Oh hello." Her attention was now on me and I awkwardly mumbled Hello before the little girl in front of her started talking.

"Why is sh-"

"I found a mermaid mama! She was sleeping in the river can you believe it we found a mermaid!"

The lady realized the situation before running back into the house and coming back with a towel.

"You girls go play ill deal with the mermaid for now."

They pouted but she shooed them off anyways leaving just the two of us. She quickly draped the towel over me and I shivered at its touch. Urging me inside she brought me to a couch before sitting down.

"What happened to you?" The lady asked a little concerned.

"I-I can't remember much... I just know I was running from something and I-I think... I was pushed in the river..." I said shivering at the thought.

I knew exactly what happened even though I had gone under water I hadn't forgotten a single thing. I just wasn't sure if I should tell her the truth. If what Meliodas said was true about towns outside of the forest believing something was wrong with the forest it was probably best that I shut up about it.

"It seems like you definitely arent from around here do you remember where you came from..?"

I shuck my head in response and she let out a small sigh.

"You're welcomed to stay here while you regain your memories. I could always use some extra help around the house." She said letting out a small laugh.

I gave her a thankful smile and she got up off the couch and headed into another room. When she came back she had some clothes in her hand and placed them down on my lap. You can pick any of these when your ready the shower is down the hall last door on the left.

I thanked her again and standing up made my way down the hall.

When I had finished in the shower I got dressed into a yellow sun dress. I left the washroom holding my other clothes and she took them from my hands.

"Ill deal with these but first why don't I show you around town."

"That would be appreciated." I replied shyly.

She headed out the door grabbing a small sun hat and placing it on her head as I followed her out and we made our way into town.

She showed me markets, stores, restaurants, and even salons. She gave me a bit of cash to buy my own things and our next stop was the centre of town. The centre of town had the most markets and was said to be one of the best in the country. As we walked through crowds of people we finally made it to the centre. A small stand caught my eye and I slowly approached it. On the stand were different pieces of gems or at least thats what they were called in the books. I'm pretty sure the correct word was jewelry.

I stared at them in awe and before I could make another move a strange musical noise was heard throughout the market. The lady I was with tugged onto my hand and I turned around. The towns people began to back away making a clear path for someone coming in on a horse. Some of them began to get really excited while others just smiled. The lady beside me had a slight blush on her face and thats when I really looked at the person on the horse.

Small, muscular, blonde hair...

My heart began to speed up a bit and when he looked in our direction I immediately knew who it was.


Meliodas x Elizabeth ~The Ancient Tree~Where stories live. Discover now