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The breakfast was really awkward. Meliodas kept stealing glances at me and It was obvious the King had noticed and wasn't too pleased with such. He had been glaring at Meliodas the whole time. The other knight tried to make friendly conversation here and there but it only ever ended in an awkward silence.

By the time everyone was finished Meliodas had excused himself leaving just me, the King, and the other knight. We once again sat in silence and I shuffled in my seat as I nervously stared down at the table. The King began to start a conversation with the other knight as I sat their awkwardly.

"So what do you plan to do about Meliodas..."

My ears perked up at the sound of his name and my eyes flickered over to them for only a second.

"Well the execution date has been set... its a tragedy especially since he was such a loyal knight... not to mention I saw him glancing at my girl." He whispered the last part under his breath thinking I wouldn't catch it.

"Yes sir..." The other knight replied a slight hint of nervousness in his voice.

It seemed the pink haired male wasnt too ecstatic about this. My heart was pounding my chest as I nervously played with my fingers. My legs began to shake and I looked up at him. His eyes flickered towards me and I felt the pit in my stomach grow.

"Excuse me I need to use the washroom.." I said shakily standing up.

He gave me a smile and I rushed towards the door. Once I had opened it up I felt myself crash into someone. Pushing them back I fell on top of them as the door shut behind me.

I nervously shot my head up apologizing when a big wave of relief washed over me.

"Elizabeth what are you doing here?"

Chills ran up my spine as I gripped onto his shirt.

"I don't know Meliodas h-he hes going to kill you..."

Meliodas blinked a couple times before his mouth opened slightly.

"I-I..." tears began to cover my eyes as I stared down at him.

"I-I wanna go home..." I mumbled out a small tear hitting his cheek.

He brought his hand up brushing his thumb against my face he wiped away my tears.


I sniffled out as he pushed me up off of him. Rubbing my eyes I kneeled down in front of him as he got up off the floors. He held my back with one arm while his other swept underneath my legs. Picking me up bridle style I gasped slightly clinging to his shirt.

"Lets go home." He said giving me a small smile.

My heart fluttered at his words and he began to race down the hallways. Quickly pacing butlers and maids knocking some over in the process. Hiding my head into his chest I gasped at the feeling of us in the air. Peaking out I almost screamed.

Meliodas had jump through one of the windows. Glass shattering around us a few bits cutting my arms as he dropped down to the ground. I yelped once we hit the ground flying up in his arms but still holding on.

Finally finding the courage to peek out from his chest my attention turned to the broken window. My heart beat began to increase as an angry looking King stared down. He seemed absolutely furious as he gripped onto the window sill. Parts of glass sticking out from his hand but it didn't seem to bother him.


A small smirk grew on his face and he turned away before starting to run again. The facial expression only angered him more as he smashed the glass within his fingers.

My eyes began to wonder as Meliodas made it closer to the gate. As he made it closer more knights began to appear blocking it off. Swords in hand as they all stood in wait.

Meliodas closely approached the gate his grip on my loosening as he tossed me over his shoulder.

"Meliodas stand down!" Someone shouted from the front of the other knights.

"You already know you can't win so unless you're prepared to die, move."

The knights stiffened up at his words and the one who talked let out a battle cry before running towards us. Meliodas grabbed the sword from his back swinging it outwards their swords clashed.

"I'll give you one last chance..."

Meliodas x Elizabeth ~The Ancient Tree~Where stories live. Discover now