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His eyes scanned pass me as he stared around the crowd a small smile forming on my lips. I stepped forward but immediately was pulled back by the lady.

"Where are you going?" She whispered out.

"To see him.." I mumbled pointing towards Meliodas.

"You can't do that hes a knight!" She whisper yelled.

"I've seen him somewhere before..." I mumbled out staring at him.

"Lots of people have I'm sure you just thought he was handsome before you lost your memories.." She said tugging on my arm.

"He is but-"

"No buts I'm sure thats all it is."

"Why is he here?" I asked changing the subject a bit.

She looked at me a little fearful and then took a small gulp.

"He's after the lady..."

"The lady in white?" I asked remembering.

"Yes yes her! Apparently hes come to defeat her... he was here a few days ago but suddenly went missing... when he came back he was found outside the forest unconscious..."

I looked at her in surprise and she went on,

"Apparently hes going to finish her off for once and for all. If he doesn't the king well he won't be happy..."

"The king?" I asked once again confused.

"Yes the king. He rules over this kingdom and everyone in it. He gave the orders to mr handsome to get rid of the ghost lady. Apparently hes here as well oh look!" She squealed out pointing into the crowd.

My eyes drifted to where she was pointing and I felt my stomach turn. On a horse sat a rather tall man. He had spiky silver hair with fox like eyes. He was dressed in all red a giant cape flowing from his back covered in jewels. To top it all off was a large crown on the top of his head.

The girls squealed in excitement as he began to look through the crowd. Meliodas was further up ahead while he stopped his horse.

He began to look at and as I stared our eyes locked. A small grin spread across his face as he jumped off his horse. People began to freak out and back away leaving him a path straight towards me. He stopped in front of me with that same grin on my face.

"My lady you've caught my eyes like an angel who fell from the sky what is your name?" He asked taking a hold off my hand and placing a soft kiss on it.

My face heated up out of embarrassment and I pulled my hand back.

"I-I uh..."

"I see too shy to talk in the presence of a king. Fear not my lady." He picked me up off the ground and I let out a squeak.

The lady looked at me in shock and the king began to walk towards his horse. Jumping up on his horse he wrapped his cape around to cover me.

"Sir Meliodas!" He called out.

"Ill be back in a bit you go onwards."

His horse turned around and I looked up at him confused.

"Now my lady how about me and you return to my palace for some tea and cookies."



After that incident I was stuck inside the palace drinking tea with the king. I sat shyly away from him on another couch as he went on and on talking. I had tried to ask to leave multiple times but before I had the chance to he'd cut me off.

"What about you do you have an interests?"

"Well I like reading.... um sitting outside on a nice day..."

"Well we have a large library and if you were to become my wife it could be all yours."

"I'm sorry wha-"

"You don't have to answer right away take your time... every since I had laid my eyes on you I knew it had to be you. You may stay the night I had my servants prepare you a room they'll be here to bring you there soon. If you need anything or feel lonely please do say so." He said sending me a wink.

I cringed a bit at it and the door to the room swung open. Inside walked a man dressed in a butlers uniform.

"Bring her to her quarters for the night."

I nervously got up off the couch and the king approached me before leaving.

He grabbed onto my hand gently and place another kiss on it before sending me off.

"Sleep well my lady."

Meliodas x Elizabeth ~The Ancient Tree~Where stories live. Discover now