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I sat in the grass staring into the forest. It had been 10 minutes since the boy left and every 1 minute he'd return back to where he started. Im about 10 seconds it would be his 11th attempt trying to leave the forest. I had tried to explain to him multiple times but he had refused to listen to me.

I watched as his figure began to approach towards me. He let out a sigh and dropped down in front of me. Sitting down he crossed his legs and stared up at me.


"Well like Ive been trying to tell you for then past 10 tries... you cant exit."

"And why not?" He asked a little annoyed and confused.

"Anyone who makes it this far into the forest isn't allowed to leave..." I mumbled out.

"But why?"

"I don't know... I just know anyone else whos come this far cant get out..."

He let out another sigh and fell back against the ground.

"So basically you're telling me I'm now trapped in a creepy forest with a bunch of giant crazy monster?"

"Theres monsters in this forest...?" I asked slightly confused.

He raised his head up a bit to look up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"You havent seen the giant monsters that have been terrorizing this forest? That literally tried to murder me the moment I entered..."

"Im sorry I havent seen any." I replied nervously.

"So you're telling me theres no way out?"

"I guess not. I haven't really tried but I've seen other people try..."

I got up off the ground and walked over to the knight. He closed his eyes as he laid back down and I looked up at the sky.

"I'm going to try some more." He opened up his eyes and got up off the grass.

"Alright um you can stay here if you'd like.." I said brushing some hair out of my face as I looked back down at him.

"Thank you but I wont intrude on your space. Ill see you later."

I nodded my head slightly and he headed back to the forest.

It had been a couple of hours. Now I had sat seated inside of my house with a small cup of tea. I sipped it looking out the door watching each time he came back. He seemed to just get even more irritated after realizing there really was no way out. He had tried over a hundred times and still nothing. It was beginning to get later in the night and the sun was already setting. I let out a small yawn as I laid my head against a chair.

He went back in the forest one last time and I placed my tea down on the table. Slowly shutting my eyes I drifted into a short slumber.

By the time I woke up it was almost pitch back outside. The only remaining lights was the lights of my house and the small fire flies that flew around. I slowly got up off my chair and creeped towards the door. The soft wind of the night hitting my skin as I stepped outside. My bare feet hit the wood on the porch making a small creaking noise.

I took in a small breath of night time air a strange sense of peace had over took me. I felt the soft rub against my leg and looking down I noticed a small creature. The softness of its fur rubbed against my leg making it a little less chilly. The cat walked inside the house and disappeared to its own space.

My attention turned back to the forest. I noticed a small light ahead by a tree in my clearing. The light was but a small lamp and beside that lamp was the knight. His small body was hovered close to the lamp while his sword was laid beside him.

Turning back to the house I picked up a blanket of the ground before walking back out. I held onto the cold railing walking down the stairs and towards him.

The softness of the grass hit my feet small pieces of dirt could be felt crumbling as I walked. The coldness of the grass made a small shiver run down my spine.

I stopped in front of him and bending down I placed the blanket over his cold body. A small smile stretched over my lips as his shivering stopped. He looked so much more peaceful compared to the man that I had first met.

Letting out another small yawn I rubbed my eyes. I felt bad about leaving him out here but something was telling me he wouldn't take kindly to me trying to bring him inside.

The cold air could be seen coming from my lips as I let out a small breath.

Things might get a lot more interesting now.

Meliodas x Elizabeth ~The Ancient Tree~Where stories live. Discover now