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They growled at him before jumping back.

"A traitor to the king is a traitor to the kingdom! Attack!"

All of the knights began to run at Meliodas and he let out a small grunt before rushing towards them. Bringing up his sword he slashed through them. Sending knights flying around us. My grip tightening even more out of fear.

He made sure to hit them all with the back part of his blade. Only causing minor damages as they began to fall around him. All the knights had fallen easily to him. He jumped up over to the gate and standing on top of it he glanced back at the castle.

More knights began to emerge as the king himself followed. Not waiting around Meliodas jumped off the gate and headed away from the castle. My heart was pounding in my chest as my grip tightened even more. A nervousness in my stomach formed as I watched the gate open. The King began to run faster than the knights. His speed picked up a lot and he was getting even closer towards us.

"Hurry!" I squealed out.

Meliodas began to run faster as well this went on for a few minutes. The King tried to catch up but he was never able to. Meliodas had ran into the town as he did people began to panic. They gushed over both him and the King as they ran obvious to the real situation at hand.

Meliodas began to get closer to the forest and once inside the King had still followed. He swerved past trees and monsters. Avoiding anything that might get in his way. The forest became thicker and the King was too close. I felt a hand grab onto my collar and I gasped out in shock. Looking over my eyes widened as the King ripped me away from Meliodas. I let out a shriek and Meliodas turned around in surprise.

Whipping a dagger from his pocket he brought the blade up to my neck.

"Don't move."

Meliodas froze in his spot and I whimpered out as I stared up at the King. He ignored my eye contact glaring down at Meliodas.

"Leave or the girl dies." Meliodas gritted down on his teeth hard while his hand tightened on his blade.

"Meliodas I will not speak again..."

Meliodas dropped the blade down to the ground and a satisfied smirk sat on the Kings face.

He brought the dagger away from my neck and wrapped an arm around my waist. I sucked in a small breath and turned to look at Meliodas. Rage was emitting off of him as I stared at him in sadness.

Before anything more could happen a shiver ran down my spine. My breath caught in my throat something beyond Meliodas caught my eye. The air around us began to get thin and a slight fog began to settle.

My nails dug into the Kings arm as I watched the Lady in White slowly walk out from behind the trees. The King noticed her as well taking his dagger back out he protectively held me as he waited.

She stopped a bit behind Meliodas and a white fog began to grow.

"W-Who is she??" The King asked out in surprise.

"You-You are you the Lady in White!" He shouted his grip on me loosening.

She didn't respond as the fog began to grow even more. He had finally let go of me and running past Meliodas he brought his dagger up towards her. The fog completely took over and nothing could be seen.

The King let out a groan and I stumbled around trying to find Meliodas.

I felt an arm grab onto my wrist and before I could let out a shriek a hand covered my mouth.

"Shh.." the voice was soft and soothing as I stood in my spot.

"Show yourself lady! I refuse to allow you to terrorize my Kingdom!"

I felt myself being lifted off my feet and once again picked up bridal style. A small bit of the fog began to clear and I watched in shock as Meliodas began to walk through it. The lady walking in front of us almost floating as she made a path through the fog.

"Whats going on??" I asked confused.

"I think I finally figured out whats going on." Meliodas replied.

The lady led us through the forest the sound of the King screaming becoming further and further away.

My eyes directed towards the lady. A light glow emitting from her body seeming to glow the further we went.

After about a minutes walk we ended up back at the place I call home. A smile stretched across my lips the lady stopped in front of the large tree. She brought one of her hands up to the tree and placing it against the tree it began to glow. The tree let out a white glow and the lady turned her head back. A small white cloth covered her eyes. A smile remained on her face as her figure began to disappear. The tree became brighter and she had completely disappeared from sight. A glow let out a spark and flowers began to emerge all over the tree.

The tree blossomed different colour flowers. Red, pink, blue, yellow, many light colours sparkled around us. I gasped out as Meliodas began to walk towards the tree. Picking off a small yellow flower he placed it in my hair a small blush creeping across my face.

A soft mewl caught both of our attentions. Turning around we both stared down at the small white cat. A few flowers began to grow around it as it stared up at us with a small cat like smile.

"You're Safe"

The words echoed around us and I looked around confused. The voice had come out of no where and nobody could be seen around us. It was soft and almost sounded like a child.

The cat began to walk towards the trees and I turned my attention to Meliodas. A soft smile grazing his lips as he watched the cat leave.

"I think the cat likes me."

"I think I like you too."

The words slipped from my mouth unconsciously and I quickly put a hand over my mouth.

A sorry left my lips as I looked down at the ground. Meliodas let out a small chuckle before placing me down on the ground.

Holding his hand out I blinked a couple of times before slowly placing my own in his. He softly held my hand and began towards the house.

"Lets stay here... together."

The forest had began to become active again. Birds flying through the forest and other small animals beginning to roam around. The beasts protecting the forest stood their ground from those trying to enter.

As a soft tune was hummed through the forest one thing was certain

The curse of the forest would never be broken no matter how hard people tried and as the years passed by one thing was certain,

"You could never take from the forest....
which was never meant to leave...."

Didn't think this book would go on for as long as it did but tah dah. The end 😭

Meliodas x Elizabeth ~The Ancient Tree~Where stories live. Discover now