Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 2 [EDITED]

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A/n: Dang, you guys surely love this story XD


It's been a while since M/n found out that he's a demon and woke up in Hell, which actually not pretty bad. After he killed the dog demon aka the turf leader, he just found out that once the demon kill the turf leader, will instantly become the next turf leader, much to dismay for (H/c) haired male since he don't want to do anything about the war.

But on the same time, all the territories that the former turf leader had, become his territories and thanks to that, M/n found a nice home to stay. It's just a small apartment but hey, better than nothing, right? So, M/n settles himself in his apartment and bought some furniture and some clothes with some money he had.

And for today, M/n was extremely bored and has no idea what to do since he's not familiar with other demons so he stays quiet at home. Which not a very good idea because it made (H/c) haired male bored to death. His new roommate, Taylor or her nickname, Ty is out with her girlfriend since this morning and probably come back before dinner or supper. 'Ughhh, what to do, what to do...?' M/n lay on the sofa in the living room, thinking about doing something so he can get rid of the boredom.

For some reason for today, it's a nice day for going out and M/n thought why not has a nice walk while searching for something to do. And that's what he's going to do.

Right now, M/n is in the city where there's a lot demons and of course, almost all of them avoid the eye contacts or quickly make a path for him or even worse, the demons flee out as they afraid to stay in the same area where M/n is and this made the said male amused a little.

But, what's made the (H/c) haired male amused more is, they were doing that once they heard the sound of his geta sandals.

It's just like a signal for them to move.

Once they heard the familiar sound of geta sandals, either they quickly get out of the way or run away, which it made they look so ridiculous. As M/n walk-thinking if walking outside is probably not a good idea-stop his tracks when he saw a bakery across the road which surprise M/n. To think there's a nice bakery in this shit holes and M/n is contemplating whether he should go in or not, unaware that a certain demon is watching from far with smirks on his face.


On the next day, M/n is walking down the same path from yesterday, going to buy some muffins for his roommate and a slice of (C/F/F) [Cake Favorite Flavor] for himself. It was a peaceful as the demons do their things while M/n do his own things until he feel someone tap on his shoulder. M/n flinched but not at the sudden touch but the sudden powerful presence that stands right behind him.

With no hesitation, M/n quickly summons few fireballs and send toward the mystery demon but only to avoid it easily.

With no hesitation, M/n quickly summons few fireballs and send toward the mystery demon but only to avoid it easily

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(It's actually pretty though...)

"Now, now, there's no need to be violent, old sport~" The radio sound like speak and M/n turn around, to see the mystery but familiar 'Man in red' demon with his usual 'smile' on his face with a mic staff in his hand.

"No wonder my guts told me that I need to go out for today and with no doubt, to think that this is the first time I saw a fox demon who is standing right in front of me~" The newcomer said with full of happiness tone for some reason as M/n can't help but raised his brow and cross his arm. "And to think this is also my first time meet the actual 'Radio Demon' that all these demons always talked about. What are you doing here?" M/n asks, narrows his heterochromia eyes toward the Radio Demon who walks toward him with smile of his still stick on his face.

Which made M/n uncomfortable-also a little bit worried-because he don't know what in the world is he thinking.

"Oh, how rude of me! My name is Alastor, it's nice to meet you." The newcomer demon aka Radio Demon also aka Alastor introduce himself with his hand stick out for M/n to give a handshake and of course, M/n stares at his hand with full of suspicious. "....M/n. My name is M/n." M/n accept the handshake and want to shake but Alastor suddenly bring his hand closer to his face, give a small kiss on M/n's hand making the said male blush. "M/n, huh? What's pretty name for you, my dear~" Alastor purred and M/n also can feel that Alastor is smirking right now against his skin. M/n snatch his hand back, glare at Alastor and quickly wipe the kiss off from his hand.

"Now to answer your question, why I'm doing here? Well, I just feel that for today is a good day and I thought why now take a nice walk in this beautiful city! Nothing caught my interest until I saw you, walking down the streets and I can't help but want to have a nice chat with you! What do you say, old sport?" M/n narrows his eye suspiciously towards Alastor who has smiles on his face but know it's just a fake.

Before M/n want to reject the offer, Alastor quickly added, "We can get known each other with eating some cake in bakery that you went yesterday! My treat!"

M/n and Alastor stared each other for a moments and M/n shrugged. "Alright fine." Alastor's face lit up along with his smile become widen and quickly grab M/n's hand before drags him away, startled M/n a bit at the sudden grab.

"Ah hey! Slow down!"

Extended Ending

Alastor and M/n had reach the bakery that M/n had went yesterday for few minutes, thanks to those two when Alastor who suddenly drag M/n straights toward the bakery and M/n thought it was a good idea just teleport there. And of course that's remind me,

"Wait, how do you know that I went to this bakery yesterday?"



"I have no idea what are you talking about, my dear."


I hope you guys love it and please tell me about it! (^▽^)

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