Author Note

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Hey guys! It's been awhile, huh? Sorry for the writer block. To think that I suddenly has a free time to update this story after long time. Which it's hard because I have a lot work to do since I'm in intern right now. And not only that, I practically intern as a kindergarten school teacher which it's also hard too since we has to do some activities for the children to prevent them get bored easily. And not only that, the reason why I got a lot free time to do right now because of the situation right now, y'know Corona Virus. Our Prime Minister just told  us on news two days ago that all the school including the college and the kindergarten need to shut down for a while until 31st March which this make me has a lot time to update it but also need to use that time to finish my works.

Oh, and for this book, after I update three chapters, I probably stop for awhile to write Special Chapters and searching for new idea so I hope you guys be patient.

If I was take too long, I probably going to put On Hold just in case.

Thanks for reading and enjoy! :D

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