Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 6

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A/n: I don't know what to say so, enjoy~


M/n walk around the town, feeling bored to death since his roommate had go out for a date with her girlfriend and of course, his 'lover' Alastor is busy with his broadcasting radio work so he has his time alone for a day. But, can he call that when there's a stupid stalker is following him from behind? Meh.

As M/n walk, he saw a group who surrounding two imps (The picture ^^) who had fear on their face making M/n narrows his eyes before make his way toward them.

As soon he reached the group, he calls out, "Hey, how about you guys go pick on someone your own size?" The groups turn around and saw M/n who's standing there with his arm crossed on his chest, glaring at the group. "Get lost, kid. These two just step in our territory so we need to teach them lesson." The leader who is a lizard demon said and M/n raised his brow at his statements.

His territory?

That's weird because M/n known that this is his territory and the proof is the mark on the building where he put the fox symbol, showing that the territory is his. "Your territory? You do know that, there's a fox symbol over there." M/n mention the that marked on the building making the group burst out laughing. "Well, it's not like HE going to come here!" One of the members of the group, which it looks like bat demon, said making they burst out laughing more.

"I see.... Hey you, go grab your girlfriend and get out from here. You don't want to see this." M/n mention to one of the Imps who nodded before grab his girlfriend away from them, leaving the groups and M/n. M/n glance toward the bat demon from earlier with full of evil smirked on his face. "You know, you shouldn't jinx that." M/n said, walking towards the group who just watch full of confused but scoffed at M/n's ridiculous statement.

"So what? It's not like he comes here out of nowhere and going to kill us." The leader said and M/n's smirked become more widen, it even can be rivals with Alastor's smile. "Oh really?" Meanwhile with Imps who are hiding behind the tree, they watch the (H/c) haired male slowly walk towards the group. "S-Sweetie, is he going to be alright? I'm worried..." "I don't know babe, I also worried too..." The Imps watched M/n walks towards the group who has smug on their face until,

A/n: If you guys wonder who is it sound, here it is:


"What was that?"


"I don't know but doesn't that sound so familiar to you?"

"Yeah, it's sounds like.... Oh shit...."

The groups turn their gaze to the (H/c) haired male who suddenly has black mists surround him, the familiar 'Clank' sound was heard until the male was covered with the blue flames that came out of nowhere.

"Holy shit!"

"What the hell is happening?!"

Once the flame is slowly extinguished, reveal the true appearance making the groups and the Imps stared at (H/c) haired male in shocked. The same long (H/c) hair, the pair of sharp hetechoromia eyes, the familiar geta sandals sound and of course, the familiar nine tail fox behind his back along the pair of fox ear on his head that share the same color of his hair. Every demon except for the lizard demon who looks so confused at the sudden change atmosphere, stared at the (H/c) haired male in shocked and fear.

"Oh shit, it's Fox!"

"Fuck, Fox is here!"

"Let's get the hell out of here!"

"Wha-Hey, come back here you cowards!"

The lizard demon shouts as he watched his group and the citizens who just walk nearby, run away as they leave him alone with the fox demon. "Wow, even your friends had leaving you behind, how pitiful and pathetic you are." The lizard demon turns around and glared at the (H/c) haired male who has chinese fan in his hand, cover half of his face. Knowing the male is actually smirks behind the fan, the lizard demon glared.

A/n: I don't know which fan you guys want so I choose two because both of them are beautiful!

A/n: I don't know which fan you guys want so I choose two because both of them are beautiful!

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(Fan 1)

(Fan 2)

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(Fan 2)

"You're the pathetic one! You have nerve to fight the strong and powerful demon like me!" The lizard demon boast about himself making M/n rolls his eye.

"Yeah, I'm doubt it."

"Why you!"

The lizard demon quickly charged M/n who just stand there and raise his hand, has blue aura surround it. Suddenly out of nowhere, the lizard demon suddenly fly up in the air making the said demon let out startled yelp while the other citizen demons that stayed in nearby, watched them in amazed. "W-What the, hey! Put me down or else!" The lizard demon shouts, struggled making M/n chuckle at his useless attempts.

"This is ridiculous, honestly. But, I really want to say thank you for entertain me since I was pretty bored and now, you useless to me. So, perish." The blue aura that surrounds on M/n's hand had turn into purple and once M/n snapped his finger, the lizard screams in pain when the black flames suddenly burning the demon alive.

"꒻ꀎꑄ꓄ ꒒꒐ꀘꏂ ꒐ ꑄꋬ꒐ꂟ, ꐞꉻꀎ ꑄꃬꉻꀎ꒒ꂟꂚ'꓄ ꒻꒐ꂚꉼ ꒐꓄~"


I even don't know what I just wrote XD

I hope you guys love it and please tell me about it! (^▽^)

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