Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 13

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A/n: Just so you know, tomorrow I'm going back to college to start my intern and it's going to be busy for four months, I think four months? Not sure. I'll try to find the right time to update all story.

And by the way,



One word if you want to describe for today.


M/n is so freaking bored because his boyfriend is not available right now because of his radio host works. His roommate is also busy at the restaurant right now and Carol is busy with her strip club since she's the owner of the club. Which leaving the house for him all day and don't know what to do. M/n could like play some guitar or videogames but he already bored of the same games to play and same songs to cover so he just lay there, doing nothing.

Suddenly, his phone ring and M/n quickly answer the phone, wonder who is it?

"Hello?" M/n answered.

"M/n? Hey, are you free right now?" Carol who is on the other line, doing some paperwork in her office who is also calling M/n after Taylor sent a message to her give some works or something for M/n to do.

"Free? For what?" M/n asked as he raised his brow in confused.

"Well, I heard from Ty that you're actually feels bored right now and since you really love singing and dancing something like that, why not give you something to do?"

"Like what?"

"Sing in front of everyone?"


Is this a.... Dream?

Please don't tell me this is a dream.

Nancy has a nice drink in some random bar and she heard from the host that's someone is going to make a performance for them to light up the mood which she just ignored until she saw the glance who is the performer making her eyes widen when she landed her sight on the familiar (H/c) haired male walked on the stage while wearing a black tight pants, a pair of black boots, three unbuttoned shirts that show his beautiful pale chest with a dog tag around his neck.

Oh god....

He's look so hot!

Nancy started to drool as she watch M/n smirked on the stage while licking his lips seductively and when the music started, all demons waited for smooth male voice to sing.

But instead the voice, the moan was heard and this making all demons blushed so hard because of how erotic the moan was. (I'M SO NOT SORRY KSKSKSKSKSKS)


Carol decide to see how M/n was doing on the stage, hopefully it's fine and once she reached the stage, what makes her look so surprised, she saw all the demons who can't stop staring how amazing while all the female demons can't help but drooling at how erotic M/n where the way M/n swing his hip, the way M/n slowly lift his shirt and how M/n seductively lick his lips.

This make Carol snorted.

"Umm, m-ma'am?" Carol turned around and saw one of her workers called out and Carol blinked. "Yes Katie? Is something wrong?" Carol asked and the worker name Katie glances at M/n who is still singing on the stage before glance back to her boss. "C-Can you tell me what's his name? Because he look so familiar to me..." The worker said and Carol blinked. "Oh him? His name is M/n L/n, why?" Carol asks and the worker's eyes widen when she heard the name.

"M-M/n? His name is M/n?"

"Yeah why?"

The worker quickly glanced at M/n who still singing on the stage. "C-Can you tell him meets you at your office? I... I really want to meet him..." The worker said and Carol stared her worker in confused but just agreed her worker's wish since she already work hard than anybody.


"Someone want to see me?'

"Yup, she's say that she knew you for some reason."

Once M/n finished his performance and changed his clothes, Carol asked M/n to go with her to her office which much to (H/c) haired male confused but just followed her. "Really? Huh, I wonder..." M/n and Carol reach Carol's office and the said female demon open the door where two demons saw the worker from earlier who is waiting for them.

The worker turns around and her face lit up when she saw M/n and her boss. "Well, there's she is. If you guys need anything, I'll at the bar with John."

With that, Carol left her office as she give M/n and her worker a private.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Katherine Smith...."


I hope you guys love it and please tell me about it! (^▽^)

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