Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 19

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A/n: I'm sorry for late update. I have writer blocks and I literally just finish the second paper of final and I have two left and since I just finish this chapter yesterday, I thought why not update today. Sorry again! And I seriously have no idea what I just writing lmao. Oh and author's note will be place right at the end of this chapter


Nancy stared at the (H/c) haired male with full of fear as the said male stared at her with full of furious in his heterochromia eyes. "I ask you one more time Nancy, what the hell do you think you're doing to her?" M/n asked with a glare in his eyes while Kai quickly helped his twin and Carol with her girlfriend to stand up as they watched the furious Fox Demon glaring at their enemy.

"M-M-M/n sweetie! I-I-It's not what it looks like!" Nancy stuttered, never feeling so afraid since she had witnessed how furious M/n was when he found out that she's the mastermind of Katie's bullying and cyberbullying.

"Not what it looks like? I believe what I just saw, you little whore." M/n said in a dark tone, slowly making his way to Nancy who quickly tried to stand up but she felt her knees so weak making her attempt to stand up failed.

"I've been generous to you this whole time and you thought that I will forgive you for what you had done to my life? Oh no sweetie, there's no way I'm going to leave you a hook. I give you a lot of chances to redeem yourself and here I thought we can be good friends knowing that I can trust you enough. But seeing you never changed, I make up my mind."

Nancy heard the sound of sandals and her eyes widened when she saw the huge blue flames suddenly surrounded M/n before revealing his true self, making Nancy's eyes widen more when she recognized the familiar appearance.

"I-I-It was y-you....?" Nancy stuttered but her question unanswered when she let out yelped as she felt her head being held by M/n.

"You're nothing but a whore attention. Good to see you again, Nancy Washington. Now, perish." That the last thing Nancy heard from M/n himself.


"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I've been in worse situations than this."

M/n let out a sigh as Carol treated the wound that Katie had received from Nancy. It's been half an hour since M/n had killed Nancy and both of Nancy's friends before they went home to treat Katie's wound. "Remember not to make you angry." Taylor mumble and M/n chuckled. "Told you he will be scary." Kai muttered and Taylor along with Carol heard it, making Taylor let out a small scoff while Carol chuckled. Suddenly they heard the sound of knocking the door and Kai walked to the door, opening it which revealed a certain Radio Demon made M/n's eyes lit up when he saw his boyfriend.

"Why hello the-Oh, did something happen?" Alastor asks after he notices the condition of Katie who is still being treated by Carol.

"Oh hey Alastor."

With that, M/n stands up and makes his way to his boyfriend before giving the Radio Demon a peck on the lips. "What are you here? Not like I hate it..." M/n asked in confusion and Alastor just shrugged. "Well, I heard about what you do to Nancy sweetie so I thought why not pay a visit?" Alastor explained and M/n nodded before both Overlords glance to Katie who's just finished got treated and laughing when her twin does something stupid.

"You really love them so much, huh?" Alastor asks, putting his hand around M/n's waist as the fox demon lets out a smile. "Yeah. They're my best friends and I thought of them as my brother and sister. I'll do everything to protect them, even getting myself to jail." M/n smiled and Alastor stared at his lover before glance to the other demons in front of them.

The Fox Demon (Alastor x Demon!M!Reader) [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now